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Trying to get my head round this one.... from what I've read we are voting for 'Scotland Region' - is that correct? We don't have an MEP for Highlands and Islands for example? the region is the whole of Scotland? Is it proportional representation? I take it there are several MEPs for Scotland but no smaller regional breakdown than that? Can anyone enlighten me???

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There will be six MEPs for the whole of Scotland which is down by one from last time. Those six will be elected by a form of proportional representation and they can all be contacted by people from any part of Scotland.


I have indeed voted and although my heart said "green" my mind told me to vote for another party which I hasten to add was not the BNP.

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Guest Anonymous

Yes after spending 10 years having to dump perfectly edible prime quality fish over the side of various fishing boats both here in Shetland and Ireland (and we did that to avoid being prosecuted whilst struggling to make a living), then there is no other party to vote for than U.K.I.P

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My favourite part of Question Time last week was watching the leader of UKIP squirming when David Dimbleby asked him why the BNP had considered UKIP to be potential partners in their campaign. He gave a bizarre answer that made no sense at all, then spent the next ten minutes in a sulk. He also squirmed when it was mentioned that he'd taken £2 million in expenses in four years! That certainly puts any Wesminster MP in the shadows. He got booed louder than even the labour candidate. It was great.

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My mam is proxy voting on my behalf, but I've told her to vote Lib Dem for me. Here's why not to vote BNP or UKIP:



Nick Griffin agreeing with the KKK



Nick Griffin speaking on Jeremy Paxman about ethnic communities segregating and building walls



UKIP racist/homophobic/xenophobic comments




Richard Barnbrook




Nick Eriksen London Mayor candidate


"Rape is simply sex. Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal."



“I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated or turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the earth is flat…"

- Nick Griffin, BNP Leader



A “friendly disease because blacks, drug users and gays have it.â€

- Mark Collett, BNP Director of Publicity

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Guest Anonymous

That U.K.I.P link from sassermeat has no credibility whatsoever.

U.K.I.P Has asian and women members standing and the woman in question is from Finland ( I think) and was previously employed by the E.U to do some accounting but got the heave when she was going to blow the whistle on the huge magnitude of the corruption going on .

All M.E.P'S are given the same set allowance ( not expenses) that adds up to millions over the years , no recipts required . Nigel Farage highlighted this and openly admits he uses some of money to spread the truth about how corrupt this parliment is .

None of our mainstream 3 voiced this as they are happy to milk this gravy train . £40 million a day , none of the big 3 dispute this fact .


I have had my previous business and livelyhood destroyed by this corrupt shower of faceless buerocrats .

What good has it done for any of you ?


And I would never trust a liberal party politician they are totally spineless

and have personnally experienced our very own Tavish stabbing us in the back on how he voted on a fishery matter in Holyrood . He was forced to be demoted from the front bench on that occasion only sadly it was not a permanent shift .

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Since I believe that the future of Britain lies within a strong EU I did not vote UKIP either. Yes there are things wrong with the EU and the fisheries policy is madness but these things can and will be changed. Also believe in the euro and think it is only a matter of time before we join.

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It would be horrendous if the BNP increased their power at this time of the 65th Anniversary of the D-Day landings. British men and women died fighting fascism. It is chilling to think that only a generation or so later some British people are voting in favour of what these people sacrificed their lives to stop.


At the very least in this election a vote for any other party is a meaningful vote against these far-right parties and a vote that honours the memory of those who gave their lives. Until we get a 'none of the above' option not voting (if you have a vote) could have the nasty side-effect of not speaking up against this rise in fascism on our doorsteps. I've met Holocuast survivors, they didn't believe it could happen in their country either.

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Guest Anonymous

I fully agree , I dont want to see any BNP Nuts on the scene , and I have not been aware of any supporters for BNP here on Shetlink and dont know of any within our community .

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I understand the appeal of an anti-Europe party (though broadly pro myself) but the problem with UKIP is what and who else you get along with that... Note Kilroy-Silk on his former collegues:


"The trouble is, some are serious and some are nutters," he said. "And you get the lot. Is this one serious? Or is this another nutter? I didn't know what I joined. What's been irritating is that I've been defending some of these bloody right-wing fascist nutters."


UKIP policy on environment could have pretty hairy consequences for Shetland if windfarm does go ahead then UKIP gained power in the future....(not inconceiveable) Does this mean we'd get a nice, new, shiney nuclear power station on the site???


"We will say No to green taxes and wind farms. To avert a major energy crisis, we will go for new nuclear power plants on the same existing site facilities and for clean coal." they say

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