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Google car in Shetland


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Passed the Googlemobile yesterday as it headed west, just past the junction to West Burrafirth.


Just wondered - how will they manage to do Foula? Don't think the Foula ferry takes cars. Quite possibly the same goes for Papa Stour.


And what about Sark down in the Channel Islands, which is a no car island? Didn't think that one through, eh Google? You crazy dot com billionaires, you.

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Just wondered - how will they manage to do Foula? Don't think the Foula ferry takes cars. Quite possibly the same goes for Papa Stour.


The foula ferry takes one car. But i suppose if they miss it out, we could try sell them the trip round foula done by originart when we thought of this idea a decade ago ;)



I'm sure google wont get many complaints from shetland, as in all the years that we have had a similar site on line, we have received only one complaint about it being an invasion of privacy, from someone in lerwick who phoned us years ago at 2am one morning after he had a few to many drinks.


breeksy, i'm glad your kids have enjoyed their online fame :)

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A lot of people interested in this car that's taking photos... What about the plane that's been tearing around photographing everybody's houses for the last couple of days? Anybody interested in that?


me and my brother putting two and two together, probably getting 5, but assume its a google plane updating google earth, any thoughts on my maths :lol:

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A lot of people interested in this car that's taking photos... What about the plane that's been tearing around photographing everybody's houses for the last couple of days? Anybody interested in that?


me and my brother putting two and two together, probably getting 5, but assume its a google plane updating google earth, any thoughts on my maths :lol:

if it is, it's about bloody time. :wink:

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A lot of people interested in this car that's taking photos... What about the plane that's been tearing around photographing everybody's houses for the last couple of days? Anybody interested in that?


So will somebody be knocking on my door shortly offering to sell me an aerial photo?

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A lot of people interested in this car that's taking photos... What about the plane that's been tearing around photographing everybody's houses for the last couple of days? Anybody interested in that?


If thats the same one I saw on Sunday it's registered to a woman in Yorkshire. Google earth is from satellites anyway not from planes.

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