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Snooker (local)


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This might be a 2 post thread, but if it is, so be it!


Having moved to the north mainland a while ago, we've only just been discussing a game or two of snooker again. Used to play in Yell at the leisure centre, and of course thats still an option, but assume there must be a table (or two) closer to hand.


Well? :)

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There is a Snooker Club in Whiteness/Weisdale. Just in the start of the Stromfirth road. I'm a member but you could easy get signed in for a night or two to see what you thought. 4 snooker tables, a pool table, cheap drink and lots of other social events going on.


Maybe still too far for you but totally worth a visit.



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Hi there


The bar is open every night from 8pm til 11pm, 8pm til midnight on Fridays. Saturday and Sunday it's open from 3pm and closing is either 12am or 1am on Satrudays and 11pm on Sundays.


Membership is around £20 a year if I remember right and the cost goes down as the year goes on, for example it will be a cheaper membership from now to December as it is halfway through the year.


As a member you get a swipe card which means that you can go in to play snooker/pool anytime, even when the bar is closed.


If you have any other questions just ask!



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It's absolutely fine to turn up anytime the bar is open to have a game without being a member, the bar staff will be able to sign you in.


There is no need to book tables, it's really rare for all 4 to be in use. There is no charge to hire cues or anything, but you guys sound like you may have your own! The lights take 50ps I seem to remember (not a huge snooker player myself!) which you can easy get from behind the bar and I think 50p gives you half an hour or something like that. As I say, not the expert on snooker!


So yeah, basically as long as the bar is open, you don't need to be a member as the bar staff will be able to sign you in. You can just ring the buzzer and someone will let you in...no secret handshake or password required!


Basically the bonus of being a member is the 24 hour access and the power of being able to sign folk in! Plus the fact that you can do voluntary bar duty which means you get beer tokens and a fab night out once a year in return for your help. And of course, the fun of being involved.


I personally think it's a very under-rated club. I've always enjoyed my nights out there.



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Yeah de ir a snooker league in shetland. I tink it runs troo da winter da sam as da pool league and dirs wan in da Whitedale snooker club i tink, maybe its da sam een im no sure but joost keep a look oot in da back o da times in da nixt few weeks i wid tink itl deyl be an advert aboot how tae enter etc, or try da shetland pool website (sorry cana mind whit dat is)

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