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communism and the honors list


should he accept the honor  

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  1. 1. should he accept the honor

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The usual fudge, claiming it was not a personal award per se, but one for the work he just happened to be a/the leading light of. :roll:


Perhaps, given the principles he always used to preach, side stepping from the spotlight before the fact and placing a nominal figurehead at the helm to accept such accolades, might have saved his credibility. As it is it comes off as the usual sell out of youthful passion to the mediocrity of gray middle age.


Idealistic Communists are two a penny, realistic Communists are a rather rare breed. Preaching theory about the masses to the masses is a cake walk, but when it comes to practicing it on your own midden-head enthusuasm often wanes.

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Typical Shetland variety of schadenfreude. Never give credit to anyone!


I was a pupil many years ago in one of Stuarts classes. Whatever his position, it was the first time I realised I had the right to express my views in a school class. I remember some great debates between those on the right and those on the left. Just as it should be! Stuart was great at facilitiating that and looking back, those on the right were encouraged to contribute most - anybody remember Ronald Barr? The mods should wipe out previous comment. Pathetic!


Although these awards are dubious at best, if all who disagreed refused then it would only be the silver spooned establishment who were recognised. Until something better comes along then people such as Stuart are in the peoples category and deserve their recognition.

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^^ Yup, we remember Barr, but come 3rd year anything political or historical was just about the last thing I had an interest in (when and how I could skive off for a fag seemed wholly far more important), so I know nothing of any debates.


Hay could be an okay craic for a teacher, as AHS teachers of that day went, just so long as you didn't take him all that seriously. The whole monarchy deal and the notional awards which accompany them are a pretty dodgy scam at best IMHO, OBE/MBE whateve rof the British Empire, come on, lets get real here, there has been no "Empire" for 50 years, its questionable if there's even a country any longer, we seem to be dangerously close to being just a "state" of Europe these days. Playing along with such silly games can only encourage it to continue. You're right though, something better does need to come along, but as long as those like Hay who have been lifetime advocates of an entirely different ideology are prepared to kowtow and play along, those with less deeply entrenched political convictions are hardly likely to make a stand. The only realistic way to force change towards something more appropriate is by boycotting the status quo until it becomes a complete meaningless charade, and unless such starts with the most outspoken critics of the current regime, its unlikely to start elsewhere.


I'm not criticising the man's talents as a teacher, debate facilitator, "global classroom" organiser or whatever else he's involved in, being as it is 30 years since I experienced the former, and I have no knowledge of the other two, I am in no position to do so. I am criticising the sincerity of his political rhetoric. By accepting this so called award he has, IMHO, completely sold out on the political convictions he so often voiced. Very much a case of talking the talk, but when it came down to it and he was put in a position to walk the walk he didn't make it past the first hurdle.

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Comunists amuse me. I tried communism for a while when I was young. The real deal. I lived in a commune, we shared everything. the only thing you owned were the clothes on your back. All animals were equal. Trouble was it ended in the same way as the book. This is the fate of all communist ideals as human nature kicks in. there will always be people at the bottom as there will always be people at the top. Awards are given by those realy at the top to console the people who think they are. Cynical I know, but thats what happens when your ideals get battered.

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I lived in a commune, we shared everything. the only thing you owned were the clothes on your back. All animals were equal. Trouble was it ended in the same way as the book.

What? Pigs started plotting against you and then took over your commune? That's incredible. :wink:

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I lived in a commune, we shared everything. the only thing you owned were the clothes on your back. All animals were equal. Trouble was it ended in the same way as the book.

What? Pigs started plotting against you and then took over your commune? That's incredible. :wink:


Beat me to it! Were you a follower of Snowball or Napoleon?

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It’s the same old thing. “I did not want the OBE for my self. I just accepted if on behalf of others†excuse. And it has as much going for it as the one where some MP has left his job to spend more time with his family. I heard one man her in Shetland say after someone he knew had got the said OBE and I quote “ He may have got an OBE but it was due to some other buggers effortâ€. If you can pardon the bad word for once. I have no problem with giving honours to our armed forces who have risked there lives for others or our emergency services who do the same. But why the performing arts civil servants and MPs. Just another way of patting them selves on the back, and for no risk what so ever

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