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Overpopulation (This thread may not be suitable for minors)

Overpopulation is a serious problem. To tackle it, should we...  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Overpopulation is a serious problem. To tackle it, should we...

    • Deliberately exterminate 3.5 billion people in the most humane way science can devise.
    • Allow "nature to take it
    • Do everything we can to avert this catastrophy and allow numbers to fall naturally in line with declining birth rates due to the higher standard of living enjoyed in the West.
    • Pray

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no cockroach artificially sustaining a population for a while so it expands to a point that it can no longer be sustained by any means and then having billions die from starvation, disease and war, is cruel and that is not only my opinion but the opinion of most educated Africans that I know.

sending money and or food to Africa that is then sold for guns and hard cash with only enough getting through to keep things teetering along as they are so that saint bob and his damn fool cronies can make a film showing the suffering to tweek at the heart strings of idiots like you.





seems sheepy/rona was right after all.

and all you guys could do to refute him was to call him a nazi, and censor him. shame on you all

You're obviously trolling... and need to actually read the article you linked to :wink:

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I've just clicked on this thread and must say that IMHO everybody on it is barking up the wrong tree. It's not global population figures and forecasts we should worry about but per capita consumption of global resources. Populations in developed countries might be shrinking, but per capita consumption - even if some of use low energy lightbulbs and buy locally - is vastly higher than per capita consumption in developing countries. We throw away about 30% of the food we buy each year - the USA alone dumps 11billion pounds of fruit and veg every year. Maybe somebody on this thread could find out what the annual energy consumption for a family in California is compared to that of a family in Bangladesh?

That's where the problem lies. The developed world has lived well by exploiting the developing world for too long. The ball is in OUR court.


"There is enough for everyone's need but not enough for everyone's greed." (Mohandas K. Gandhi)

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  • 4 months later...

That's where the problem lies. The developed world has lived well by exploiting the developing world for too long. The ball is in OUR court.

blah blah blah, boring bleeding heart horse crap. why dont you lead by example and give everything you dont 'need' you could start a blog and we could follow, or maybe you could donate your computer and spare us the trite preaching instead.

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That's where the problem lies. The developed world has lived well by exploiting the developing world for too long. The ball is in OUR court.

blah blah blah, boring bleeding heart horse crap. why dont you lead by example and give everything you dont 'need' you could start a blog and we could follow, or maybe you could donate your computer and spare us the trite preaching instead.


I think you're both right!

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  • 4 months later...

Just found this thread again. I knew it was here somewhere, but I kept looking in the wrong corner.....


In light of recent discussions going totally off topic elsewhere I thought a little bit of resurrection might be in order. I haven't actually knibbled my way through all 7 pages yet, because I am attempting to cook dinner at the same time.


Now, to safe me further searches:

is there an abortion thread anywhere? If not, should we start one? Probably best not to, at least until things die down a little, pardon the pun.

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Thanks, Njugle.

Somehow I thought there would be a thread lurking.....can't think of a controversial subject not having gone through the mills round here.

I say this for Shetlink: a lot of forums I have participated in the past would shy away from anything even remotely near the mark. But Shetlinkers tackle it, warts an'all. Although things get ever so slightly heated round here now and again, nothing ever gets swept under the carpet, but is brought out in the open and 'thrashed out'. Down to earth, just as Shetlanders are.

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Thanks, Njugle.

Somehow I thought there would be a thread lurking.....can't think of a controversial subject not having gone through the mills round here.

I say this for Shetlink: a lot of forums I have participated in the past would shy away from anything even remotely near the mark. But Shetlinkers tackle it, warts an'all. Although things get ever so slightly heated round here now and again, nothing ever gets swept under the carpet, but is brought out in the open and 'thrashed out'. Down to earth, just as Shetlanders are.


That's probably a result of the long dark nights.

Thank goodness noone in Whitehall is thinking of banishing GMT and moving the clocks onto BST all year round.

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after reading all 7 pages I can only say that this is a debate in true Shetlink style :wink:

some very interesting and valid points, too. (apart from the usual bickering.) maybe I should dive into the archives more often, it certainly livens up the afternoon. Thanks, Guys. Most entertaining.

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