MuckleJoannie Posted April 27, 2010 Report Share Posted April 27, 2010 not many hook handed catholics on social support preaching about how they hate the country that supports them and everything in it, I take it the Northern Ireland situation of the past 40 years passed you by then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
turningright Posted April 27, 2010 Report Share Posted April 27, 2010 And remember always Britain did not, no matter what your primary school teacher may have told you fight the WWII to save the Jews. i dont know what kind of primary school you went to... in the commune that I used to live. ahhh that explains it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Malachy Posted April 27, 2010 Report Share Posted April 27, 2010 not many hook handed catholics on social support preaching about how they hate the country that supports them and everything in it, id like to see a catholic do the same in down town Islamabad and see how long it takes him to be burried to the neck. France takes an important stand in distinguishing its residents as being primarily and above all french, not a muslim or catholic, not black or white, and not a foreign national taking advantage of the system.Britain could do well following its example. Interesting to note that, while a Christian would be described as having a 'disability', a Muslim is called 'hook handed'. Also worth remembering that millions of Christians have been living in the Middle East for many years, without the authorities feeling the need to start supressing their religious identities. (Though there has been an increase in persecution of Middle Eastern Christians since we went over and start dropping bombs on people willy-nilly in the last ten years.) In Iran, Christians have rights to freedom of religious expression guaranteed by the constitution. They also have seats allocated within the parliament. Same in Syria. In Lebanon, the president is always a Christian according to the constitution. Why is it we have such difficulty being tolerant? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MJ Posted April 27, 2010 Report Share Posted April 27, 2010 in the commune that I used to live. ahhh that explains it.what that I lived in a commune of the IDF? The whole of greater Paris is divided up into administrative districts. Far too young to have lived in a hippy commune sweetheart, though you're maybe showing your age/political leanings if that's how you read it. (edited due to quoting not lookin "pretty") Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spinner72 Posted April 27, 2010 Report Share Posted April 27, 2010 It is a sad state for any civilised country when banning any item of clothing is even considered. Of course there should be requirements to uncover one's face when required for security (banks, airports etc), but if an individual doesnt want to do that they have the choice not to use such facilities. Whether anything that is worn has any religious/cultural/supernatural significance is entirely up to the wearer and nobody elses business. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twerto Posted April 27, 2010 Report Share Posted April 27, 2010 Everyone should be forced to wear Ronald Reagen masks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vicky Posted April 27, 2010 Report Share Posted April 27, 2010 Banning women from hiding their faces, how backwards. Although what more can we expect from a country such as france, with some of the largest inequality between men and women economically and socially. To phrase this law another way, women should be constantly on display to be seen? If I was from a conservative background, I would like the option to wear a burqa. A lot of muslim women independently make the choice to wear one when they are older. It is no longer a symbol or oppression. What I don't get is why a law like this is made for such a tiny minority. Out of all muslims, those who are women, who wear the full veil, who live in britain, it seems more politically motivated than anything else, a law that will just increase suspicion and hostility. If there were 100's of women in the streets and full head dress all over the streets then I could understand, but this seems to be a law straight outta the Daily Mail. Parties like UKIP are focussing in on this hostility being bread and are trying to use it to electoral advantage, scapegoating religion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shetlandpeat Posted April 27, 2010 Report Share Posted April 27, 2010 As longdog said, racism is a term that is used that has adopted a blanket meaning. Though really, it is creedism, you may want to educate yourself with a basic dictionary to see why.To interfere with someones beliefs only to satisfy our own fears is very wrong. To say that these items have been used to disguise terrorists is quite rediculous, will we ban wigs?Perhaps folk should try to mingle a bit more rather than adopt previous generations predjudice against anything that is different from their own norm. I can understand someone who was brought up in the inercities in the 40's and 50', there was a sudden change to their way of life, brought on by a Nazi and his beliefs and his skill in twisting a nation to follow him, and the rebuilding after he had gone. There was a shed load of ignorance, now that is no longer there, it seems to be jealousy, of a community that sticks together, any community that does that are now seen as abnormal. The Nazis alienated the Jews with laws, then violence. I live near Blackburn, work around that area and so many good folk are working, together, despite beliefs to make the North West a better place for all, and a hope that this will spread. Of course there are right wing parties getting publicity again, and these topics will come again, mainly cos folk think they have a right to be biggots because an election is due. It seems that folk are not told much about the whole picture and will only take their thoughts from media that sells such news for profits, which, makes you a follower,or a sheep, whatever term you want to use. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Longdog Posted April 27, 2010 Report Share Posted April 27, 2010 Yup Unfortunately many people are being led by the gutter media into turning right. The casualties of terrorism are not only white or christians but from all creeds and racial backgrounds including the people from the same faiths as terroritsts often purport to be fighting for Pity no big noise is made about all the good community work and inter-faith work that goes on nation wide. I do agree with spinner72 though:"Of course there should be requirements to uncover one's face when required for security (banks, airports etc), but if an individual doesnt want to do that they have the choice not to use such facilities." Mickey Mouse masks for all politicians would be great Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
islandhopper Posted April 27, 2010 Report Share Posted April 27, 2010 A couple of days ago the then designated Minister for Education & Integration of the Federal State of Lower Saxony caused a lot of very 'hot' discussions over here. On her first interview in her new role she said that all religious sign should be banned from school classrooms. She is a Muslima, of Turkish roots, the first Muslima to become a federal minister in Germany ... but she was elected by the CDU = the Christian Democratic party the majority party within the parlament of Lower Saxony. A Muslima on a christian democrats' ticket ... Today she was publicly sworn in. In such a situation you will be asked if you want to swear with or without "a religious fromular/confirmation'. She opted 'with' an according to the rules she finished her oath with the words "... so help me God!". She was asked by the press later on 'why she - as a muslima - opted for the christian confirmation of her oath ...' She smiled and said '... why not? I believe in the one and only God who is common to all of us, the jews, the christians and the muslims like me! ... and by the way - I confirm my opinion: NO shawls, NO burqas, NO crosses - NO religious signs at all in public schools! ...' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Anonymous Posted April 27, 2010 Report Share Posted April 27, 2010 leave dem alone i think , at least they have beliefs n principals unlike the heathens of the UK what exactly are ther principles you are so impressed with?they dont support drunkeness , which is a social rot in uk , as is drug fuelled poverty. Also i believe the ordinary muslim is a fairly placid clean living person from what ive seen rather than the numbskull thieving bigots in so called christian places. Is very easy to kick off at everybody thats not the same as you eh ? Fine wan to be taking the christian high ground. Dont bother coming back the stoning women n chopping hands off crap either, we all know our glorious western culture supports degredation too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
turningright Posted April 27, 2010 Report Share Posted April 27, 2010 leave dem alone i think , at least they have beliefs n principals unlike the heathens of the UK what exactly are ther principles you are so impressed with? they dont support drunkeness , which is a social rot in uk , as is drug fuelled poverty. Also i believe the ordinary muslim is a fairly placid clean living person from what ive seen rather than the numbskull thieving bigots in so called christian places. Is very easy to kick off at everybody thats not the same as you eh ? Fine wan to be taking the christian high ground. Dont bother coming back the stoning women n chopping hands off crap either, we all know our glorious western culture supports degredation too as oposed to your supposition i spent the best part of 2 years working in a muslim arab state, and a fairly liberal one as far as it goes, and i have never met such a bunch of dishonest, dirty, thieving lowlife in all my life, im glad you quoted the obvious, trite cliches of sharia law but its the oppession by fear that is palpable, hence why they dont have so much drunkeness. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Siccar Posted April 27, 2010 Report Share Posted April 27, 2010 I lived in Paisley for three years with three Kuwaitis. And I can honestly say i have never met such a bunch of dishonest, dirty, thieving lowlife in all my life.The guys fae Kuwait were absolutely sound though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Anonymous Posted April 28, 2010 Report Share Posted April 28, 2010 leave dem alone i think , at least they have beliefs n principals unlike the heathens of the UK what exactly are ther principles you are so impressed with? they dont support drunkeness , which is a social rot in uk , as is drug fuelled poverty. Also i believe the ordinary muslim is a fairly placid clean living person from what ive seen rather than the numbskull thieving bigots in so called christian places. Is very easy to kick off at everybody thats not the same as you eh ? Fine wan to be taking the christian high ground. Dont bother coming back the stoning women n chopping hands off crap either, we all know our glorious western culture supports degredation too as oposed to your supposition i spent the best part of 2 years working in a muslim arab state, and a fairly liberal one as far as it goes, and i have never met such a bunch of dishonest, dirty, thieving lowlife in all my life, im glad you quoted the obvious, trite cliches of sharia law but its the oppession by fear that is palpable, hence why they dont have so much drunkeness.interesting times i'm sure n it sounds its kinda 50/50 wi so called christian states, thieving,backstabbing low life. Point in case tho is dress code & burka or whatever its called, surely thats no hurting anybody? or a good living muslim much different from a reasonable christian? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skaterboy Posted April 28, 2010 Report Share Posted April 28, 2010 How would folks feel if some were to walk down the street in a hoody and a ski mask.religion can not be used as an excuse for behaving in a way that is not in keeping with society.should we allow bigamy, or honour killings because that is what some religion demands. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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