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Random Questions - What I'd like to know is ......?


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Maybe it's just me, but every now and then an irrelevant but interesting question pops into my head for which I neither require nor seek an answer - then it occurred to me "Shetlink" . There you may find an answer!


So, if the mood takes you, feel free to ask any random irrelevant questions that occur to you in this thread, nonsensical, whimsical or just downright obscure. And answer mine, otherwise I'll never rest easy! :wink:




Todays offerings:


What I'd like to know is: why, in a nation obsessed with composting rubbish, do we not have garbage disposal units to mash up our sharn, while in America they would hardly know what compost was and they've had them for generations?





....what "Carry On" movie was Vince Cable in? He must have been in one, he's just so right for it! Or maybe Oliver Twist? Or is it just me....?

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....what "Carry On" movie was Vince Cable in? He must have been in one, he's just so right for it! Or maybe Oliver Twist? Or is it just me....?


Carry On Henry comes to mind here Vince Cable could have been Chancellor of the Exchequer to Sid James as Henry VIII . And had a few bankers heads chopped off

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Todays offerings:


What I'd like to know is: why, in a nation obsessed with composting rubbish, do we not have garbage disposal units to mash up our sharn, while in America they would hardly know what compost was and they've had them for generations?


Ah yes, garbage disposal - the serial killers friend. The problem I see with using them (having lived in a flat with one for a while) is that TOO MANY things end up being 'disposed' of.


You know how it goes... You've got an old toothbrush and you can hear the blades spinnning and you think - what would happen if...?

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Yeah that was in Englandshire. It was a very new development of fairly upmarket flats. I was in a few of the them at different times and they ALL had garbage disposal. It could be the way of the future for the UK (despite being old news to the yanks).

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@ SS, thanks, very interesting.


@ oldscalloway, it is a means of being informed about all manner of irrelevant sharn, and maybe some small amount of useful stuff, 24/7 via the service on the internet. A bit like the pm service here on shetlink, only with its own website. At best it could inform you of football scores, the weather or software development VS at worst it lets you know that Britney ate a cheeseburger today, jimmy's cat fell off the couch.


It can be picked up on the net or evenm on a mobile, so that you receive constant updates about your chosen 'tweets' wherever you are.

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^^ Bruce the Laird had a private Chapel where Jarlshof is now. It was knocked down in the 20's I think, when Jarlshof was initially excavated, and the stones used to build the site shop/whatsit that's there yet. There was supposed to be a "college" kirk set up somewhere in the vicinity of Jarlshof sometime before 1506, whatever that was, but not much is known about it. Its also believed there may have been a chapel somewhere around Toab, possibly the Knowe near where the brucks of a possible Broch is, back in the dark ages, but no-one seems too sure.




A Kirk at the laich Ness wasn't really needed, the old Cross Kirk at Quendale was no further away as the crow flies as it was to the northern extremities it served.


Once the Memorial Hall was built it became a Kirk in all but name though.

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I know this one!

Yes bats have belly buttons.

No not all mammals.

Most marsupials don't.

Platypus doesn't, nor Echidnas.



Our one is how does popping candy in ice cream work? Surely the moisture in the custard mixture should activate it all?

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