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On the same vein, how does an asprin know what part of you is sore.


Ah that one I can answer! :) It has to do with prostaglandin production at the source of the pain. When something is going 'ouch' prostaglandins are being produced, which send a message to the brain that something is wrong and needs to be dealt with. Aspirin blocks the formation of these prostaglandins.


You can find out more here OpenLearn: Pain & Aspirin which is Chapter 2 of Molecules, medicines and drugs: a chemical story



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Here's a geeky one for you then:


On BBC radio, as the time signals sound, on the hour, there's a faint high pitched whistle that wobbles in accompaniment along with them. It's always been there on VHF. What causes it, is it a deliberate part of the time signal, or just interference that forms around the beeps?

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Guest Anonymous
I'd like to know why the Coxsackie virus (the virus that causes hand, foot & mouth disease) causes painful blisters to develop on the hands and feet. How does the virus know it's the hands and feet? Why not the back, or the legs, or the ears?


no idea not one of the questions I asked the doc when I caught it after a trip to the giants causway. I do know it is spread by rats though and along with the blisters comes a raging thirst, I could not turn on a tap or even pick up a glass for 2 days, freakiest disease I've had the misfortune to pick up on my travels.

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I'd like to know why the Coxsackie virus (the virus that causes hand, foot & mouth disease) causes painful blisters to develop on the hands and feet. How does the virus know it's the hands and feet? Why not the back, or the legs, or the ears?


because these are the most used parts of the body e.g walking and picking up items. helps the virus spread aswell.

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