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"Pom-pon is originally a term derived from the French word "pompon" and sometimes hyphenated (though possibly erroneously) in imitation of the echoic word "pom-pom". "Pompon" refers to ornamental spheres of fabric, feathers, etc., and, by extension, to a kind of chrysanthemum characterized by small, spherical flowers." {Wikipaedia definition}


Woollen or feathered bobbles on hats were first used in the town of Saint-Pompon in the Aquitaine region of France, where one would challenge an adversary to a duel over loss of honour by plucking the beret from his opponents head, challenging him to pick it up off the ground, similar to the English tradition of slapping someone on the face with a glove - if they picked it up the challenge was accepted. {The 'Fish-slapping' Dance performed at Teddington Lock is another regional variation of this ritual.} Pompons made it easier to get a hold of the beret which being woollen, would often have shrunk with the rain and become quite tight-fitting.


When a challengee would walk away, leaving his beret on the ground to be collected later, locals would replace his existing pompom with one made of white feathers, signifying that he was a coward, having walked away from a duel.


When duelling eventually became outlawed, people continued to attach pompoms to their hats as they were an easily-replaceable accessory; garlic and other pungent herbs or substances could be smeared onto the feathers as insect repellants, instead of eroding and staining the fabric of the hat.


So yes, they do help keep the flies off.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Anonymous

^^ Would it be fair to presume that all syringe needles are manufactured to a certain standard and it would incur extra cost to have a manufacturing company specifically keep aside 'substandard' needles for prison use?

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ok here is my question......


Why do they use sterile needles whilst giving the lethal injection in America?


might be because they insert the IV beforehand, but only kill the prisoner at a certain time, and in that time the judge might change his mind...so it's either sterile needles or a lawsuit from the prisoner/prisoner's family, i dunno if this is right, but it makes sense to me

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^^ Would it be fair to presume that all syringe needles are manufactured to a certain standard and it would incur extra cost to have a manufacturing company specifically keep aside 'substandard' needles for prison use?


why dont they just use "used" needles and keep down the cost of killing someone. as a box of needles can be quite expensive and its not as if the prisoner is going to be caring if they catch something as its their last moment as they have been given the death penalty

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