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When did the one minute silence change to the two minute silence, and why?


Why did Princess DIana get a three minute silence?


Will more major royals get longer silences.


Maggie Thatcher seems to be going on for an inordinate length of time. Does anyone have any good news?

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Noticed that a lot of the power cables along the tingwall straight have these wire coils on them ,


Does anyone know what purpose they serve ?


They could also be anti vibration devices. The larger (>132kV) have units at each end to dampen oscillation of the wire. It could be required here on a smaller scale.


It could also help with radar detection (guessing that one) as there is a runway.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Another Hydro lines question.


When you have the big pylons they have 4 or 6 lines/wires, the wooden poles carry 3 across Shetland, and the smaller branches going off to housing carry 2.


Now the electricity stuff I remember was that you need a line to and from, neg- & pos+ sort of idea, so the 6/4/2 combinations make sense to me... But why does most of the Shetland network have 3? why that 3rd wire?

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I'd like to know where our 2 year old has hidden the central food processor attachment - you know, the bit that actually turns the blade! He made off with it a week ago while I was distracted at the cooker and it hasn't been seen since. I've got some bananas in the freezer that I want to whip up into ice cream and I can't! :cry:

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Why did Princess DIana get a three minute silence?

they had a couple of false starts when someone coughed about a minute in.


Maggie Thatcher seems to be going on for an inordinate length of time. Does anyone have any good news?

she will eventually rust and there will be no hope of enforcing even a 10 second silence.

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While you can't travel at exactly the speed of light ©, if you were travelling at, say 0.9c, you would experience the light shining away from the car as normal. An observer in front of you would find the light from your headlights moving past them at c, but with an increased frequency. An observer behind you would also experience the light from your car moving past them at c, but with a decreased frequency.

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