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Random Questions - What I'd like to know is ......?


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This is a half myth, the example given in the Long Way down the water spins the wrong way, the guy gets the direction wrong. It's to do with a force called the Coriolis effect.


If water spins clockwise down a shanks armitage in Lerwick its going to do the same in Wellington.



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I would like to know if a study has ever been conducted to determine whether there is a direct correlation between those who walk around with their mouths agape (see here) and anti-social proclivities. This would exclude, of course, those suffering unfortunate sinus problems and other such medical conditions.

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What I'd like to know is: For the love of all that is sane and holy, why....?!




Okay apart from negative visuals......


First, at least when you eat that, you know it is 100% chicken flesh, and you know exactly from where on the carcass it originated.


As an alternative to buying "reconstituted" chicken products, which may well have a high percentage of wheat and water mixed in, and the "chicken" content may well contain a higher percentage of cooked.ground down sinews/bones etc than actual flesh, it wins hands down.


Compared to a frozen whole chicken, it doesn't have much of an edge, but at least you can know that regardless how the tin has been handled and/or stored, so long as it remains airtight the contents will come out of it in the same condition as they went in. With frozen can you actually trust that all throughout their journey from last they went round on two legs with feathers on, til they actually land on your kitchen table all nicely thawed, that they have been maintained 100% of that time at or below the maximum safe temperature to prevent partial thawing and the commencement of undesirable decomposition?


Perseonally, when taking value for money (assuming tinned is of comparable price to other chicken products) and knowledge of freshness in to consideration, tinned would win out, hang what it looks like. :lol:

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Canned chicken would be great for camping or winter storage in them thar mountains.


For camping you could spit roast a hen over your campfire, fantastic without the worry of the meat going off while you get there. :) Yachting! etc.


Berries? Well, its obviously the triumph of language over terminology. Art over science. We all grow up to perceive a berry to be a small juicy thing and perhaps always have. Talk of drupes and the like has never pervaded the language and is more of a scientific classification.


Plus a "juicy drupe" just doesn't have the same ring to it. :P


Hmm, it's just as well nobody makes plumb based beer....



....cos that would make the raw product a brewer's drupe.



soz. :oops: IGMC.

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