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Walk to cure diabetes


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Hi everyone,


You may have read on Shetland News website we are organising a sponsored walk in Lerwick on Sunday 6th september in aid of Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Hope some of you will want to support the cause and take part in the days events.


If you want to register for the 3 or 5 mile walk please email jdrf@hotmail.co.uk or phone/text 07736468933. Alternatively if you would like to make a donation please get in touch.


Cheers Sandra

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Ah, a worthy cause folks that need not sink to the bottom of this section of the forum.


Diabetes is something that all of us need to be aware of..


Sadly it is more common in children than before and adults to can develop another type..


The other folk who need a mention is the carers, some who keep en eye on their own kids, and have to do a sterling job and those who are there for the older folk. Both have their rewards and tribulations...


More info can be found on the DiabetesUK site


And a phone call will help........

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Hi there,

I would like to lend my support to this worthy cause.


my son was diagnosied with diabeties over a year ago, i have since discovered that whilst attending the support group, there are a lot of children throughout shetland who has this condition.


Every day my son has 2 injections, numerous blood tests, ketone tests, we have to monitor his diet and exercise. Its hard work but im so proud of how he deals with it and his growing knowledge.


If u can please support this cause either by a donation or by taking part in the walk.

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I to was ignorant of the effect Diabetes has on the sufferer and their familys until it happened to us . Type 1 Diabetes is a chronic life threatening condition which has a life-long impact on those diagnosed and their familys . There are approximately 350.000 people in the u.k. alone and 25,000 are children and is increasing by about 4% yearly . The largest increase is in the under fives .

Sandyg has set up a comittee here in Shetland so Hellsbells or any one else that has a few hours to spare then either text or phone Sandyg and give us support on the walk . We need stewards for the walk plus helpers in the kitchen .

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when is the walk and where?


Check out 1st post wiggie...


I also have this in my life, my partner was diagnosed just over a year ago with type 2...


It has been an education learning to work with it and we are still working....


So far we can control it with diet..and we are doing well


Sadly it looks as if I cannot get up for walk, though I will keep trying...


However, could I suggest that a paypal account could be created for us who are overseas...

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The walk is on the 6th September . 2.30 pm start . Registration from 1.30 pm till 2.15 pm . There is a choice of a three or five mile walk . There will be a homebake stall (donations gratefully recieved on day ) also water and bananas for the hardy walkers !

There is abottle of House of Lords Whisky signed by four Shetland MPs in a silent auction entry forms in Ninians opposite Boots .

If you don't have sponsors you can make a donation when you register .

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I have found a free web hosting service....they seem to have some of what is needed for this event and could be a usefull tool for you guys.


It also has a forum built into it...


You will need some one who could help, I am struggling a little with mine, me not the creative type and such




Still working on commin up, but still, tis the cash side o things....



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