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Daddy Lang Legs


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Crane Fly


An urban legend states that the daddy long-legs spider has the most potent venom of any spider; this same legend is attributed to crane flies where they commonly go by the name "daddy long-legs" (principally in the United Kingdom).


However, the crane fly is in fact innocuous, while the spider's venom is harmless to humans because of the small dosage. The commonly confused harvestman, also known as daddy long-legs but which isn't a spider, is also not venomous.

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I hadn't heard of daddy-long-legs being venomous, but was told as a bairn that harvestmen (apparently also called 'daddy-long-legs in some regions) could bite; not necessarily toxic but they did apparently leave a blister. According to Wikipedia (I know, I know, the fount of all verifiable knowledge :roll: ) they don't have any venom. Are theiir mandibles/teeth/evil pointy things big enough to do even superficial damage to human skin?

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I know next to nothing about daddy-long-legs, but did investigate spiders quite a bit at one time. One thing which surprised me was the information that there are apparently no non-venomous spiders. What we refer to as venomous spiders are merely those who have the jaw power to bite through human skin.

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