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British National Party

Which party do you vote for?  

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  1. 1. Which party do you vote for?

    • Labour
    • Conservative
    • Lib Dem
    • Greens
    • UKIP
    • SNP
    • BNP

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if Like the Nazi's they had the four generation rule. They did tend to get tied up at the end with who was and who was not the MASTER RACE. Please note that and inbreed Austrian and another bunch of odd bods do not meet the genetic match for a true teutonic knight.


I suppose the bnp could use the dna data base to check For aryan purity.

It would be interesting to see how they describe an ethnic British person. Were that mixed up that there is no typical Britisher.


Still not had the leaflet. but i don't really care. I assume this has been payed by the tax payer as each party is allowed one posting.

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Found it! It was hiding in the conservative flyer, no much information on it. No photos, no information on the candidates. Pretty much nothingness, though they seem desperate for folk to give them their "FULL name and address"

Noticed the conservatives at least had the decency to pose outside the museum.

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Is there a Shetland BNP candidate?

Or is it someone from Timbuktu etc to which we know nothing about to pardon the pun. Should it not be someone from Shetland. That represents Shetland in Europe.

How about Morgan Goodlad he is looking for a new job, or some other councillor for the job. After all if anyone knows about handling the expenses side of things it’s our councillors. I have not seen the bumf that’s come through the letter box. My parents just bunged all the tripe that came in at election time in the back of the fire. And it’s just become a habit, and has anyone ever believed any thing printed in them anyway

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Now have BNP, Conservative and Labour leaflets. None seem to explain how voting for the European election actually works which is a pity as understanding the voting system might encourage people to vote. Thankfully the BBC give a list of candidates standing in Scotland here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8040047.stm and at the top of the list is a link to explain what the abbreviations for the candidates parties mean. That covers UK wide abbreviations which is a pity as I had great hopes of being able to vote for MK. Anyway at the moment I think the BBC have done more to get my vote than any of the political parties but since they do not have a candidate of their own I may just stay at home.

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I suggest anyone who gets a BNP leaflet slips it in an envelope and posts it back to the BNP, without a stamp. Then they get fined and have to pay the postage. If enough people do it, they won't like it much at all.

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really? I've never known anyone refused entry to a garden party. security is so lax anyway, no id or anything asked for, who'd notice if he did turn up?

It's not as though it's a personal invitation, anyone can put their name or a representative forward for the garden parties.

To be honest they're boring and there's no booze.

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Guest posiedon

I received the BNP and the Conservative leaflets on Tuesday, I emailed both parties a simple, straightforward question, I had a reply from the BNP within two hours (which was the wrong reply, so I've told them they won't be getting my vote) But as yet, I've heard nothing from the Conservatives :evil:

If they can't even be bothered to reply to questions from the electorate, then they don't get my vote either.

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Guest posiedon
Para Handy

Is there a Shetland BNP candidate?

The EU parliament is voted in on a national scale, not regional.

Whoever is voted in for Scotland, is who we get (like it or not).

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