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British National Party

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Does anyone else feel that the only hope for the UK is the BNP?


If you completed your question like this...


Does anyone else feel that the only hope for the UK is the BNP disappearing, and all its current voters suddenly seeing the error of their ways?


...then I'd consider voting yes. Otherwise, don't be so ridiculous!

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The BNP seem to me to be a band of racist thugs and I want nothing to do with them. However I guess that as long as what they do remains within the law then I have to accept that they have a right to hold those views. Not at all happy about attacks on BNP members and their property following the leaking of their membership list as that is not the way we do politics in this country.

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BNP all the way!


why should we as taxpayers be paying out for people coming into this country and taking our housing and benefits and then not putting anything back into the country(we have enough of our own doing this we don't need to import more!). Then to have the face to say we are racist because we put up a christmas tree in a shopping centre, or sing carols etc.


This country is a farce, I can't go to Norway/Sweden and get a job because I don't speak the Language. It's ok however for us to allow people into this country and give them jobs when they can't speak our language, and when we complain we're being racist.....

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Well done MaxFusion - that's the best piece of unintentional comedy I've read all day. It just goes to show that if someone's prejudices are held strongly enough, then anything, no matter how flimsy and nonsensical it is, can be held up in support of an argument. Your list of points was so poor, so empty of thought, so obviously ridiculous, so completely and utterly poisoned by bigotry and ignorance, that it isn't even worth the effort to argue against them. A couple of minutes researching the facts - even a couple of seconds thinking about the logic - would cause all of what you said to collapse into a heap of quivering, stinking crap. Because that's what it is. Crap. Disguised as words. Poorly. In fact, so poor was the disguise that if you had just drawn a picture of some crap and posted it, that would have been as strong an argument as the one you put forward. Possibly stronger, as it would be more graphic.

So well done, sir. Very impressive!

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and what have you really said there Malachy?

nothing....no justification just putting me down, and for what?


I never said we can do without Foreigners in this country, we wouldn't have many doctors if we did(for one example).


Ever been on a building site and tried to enforce regulations when nobody speaks English?


Or on a bus where the driver can't tell you what stop to get off at because he can't speak English?


time to grow up young fella, and smell the coffee

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Malachy, I think for you to say that maxfusions post bigotory is pretty hypocritical after your post, afterall is bigitory not an intolorance of anothers opinions and beliefs? So, I could look at your post, jump to a conclusion and call you a bigot (which, I will add, I don't think you are).



That said, the BNP repulse me.

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Ah but the difference is that bigoted views are essentially prejudice - they suggest an opinion formed without a knowledge or understanding of the facts (or an unwillingness to understand the facts). My opinion of MaxFusion's post was formed after reading it. Before I read it I had no opinion either on MF or the post. So my post was not bigoted, as it was a direct response to what was, essentially, nonsense. It was also menat to come across as vaguely humourous in a scathing way, rather than vitriolic.


Also, I will certainly admit to being intolerant of racist views, because they're stupid. If that makes me a bigot then that's quite confusing, but okay I'm prepared to admit it: I don't like racists or their views.

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Then to have the face to say we are racist because we put up a christmas tree in a shopping centre, or sing carols etc.


It's essentially a Christian tradition, christmas, that's why, and so it's not just Muslims that are 'offended' by it. Those without religion can also be offended. Why should be celebrate a Christian festival everywhere in a secular country?


I like Xmas, I do. I like the smell of tree's. But we have turned Christmas into Xmas now and there are little Christian connotations with it these days really (Not that I have a problem with that though) and so I think that anyone who gets offended by xmas (including fellow atheists) are just no fun :)

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Also, I will certainly admit to being intolerant of racist views, because they're stupid. If that makes me a bigot then that's quite confusing, but okay I'm prepared to admit it: I don't like racists or their views.


I'm intrigued to get your opinion on something Malachy, since I tend to agree with your views and such:


I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.



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So what's nonsensical about not being able to uphold our own traditions because it might upset some immigrants?


If we were to go to their country and stop them upholding their traditions there would be war.

would they let us build our own churches in their towns?

doubt it....


then there's things like this




The Leeds Grand Central Mosque, at right in background, forms part of the skyline of the majority-white city, where 75 nationalities live side by side. At 4.5 percent of the population, South Asians and their British-born children form the largest minority group in the city of 715,000.



and BTW I ain't racist....

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I wouldn't really care if I was living as a white minority. I don't have any pride in Britain because I didn't choose to be born here. As far as being proud of my race? Not at all. We're all just people.


I wouldn't like the Rise of Islam though, because they're quite nasty against us Atheists. At least Christians don't kill secularists. So long as they keep bombing each other...

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