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On the other hand there are asylum seekers, who are not allowed to work until their applications have been accepted or refused.


It should be pretty simple to process appilcations. If people are honestly and truely running for their lives, they would stop when they reach safety. Most of those reaching our shores have come through France, which last time I checked was a pretty safe/stable country. At the end of the day, most of the asylum seekers that make it to Britain are ecomonic immigrants using asylum as an excuse.

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The fact is that immigrants don't come to Britain to seek benefits, they come to work.


And you have the figures to back up this claim do you?


where's the motivation for anybody to work these days when you see how much some people are getting on benefits?


It's not just the immigrants, before you start on that one again, there's plenty of Nationals that are guilty of this too.


benefits should only be paid out once you've paid in, and even then it should be limited so you don't just go work for six months then have six years off(or whatever).


Higher taxes in Holland but they don't expect you to work forever, but if you don't work you don't get dole either....

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With the population of the UK to keep rising to 70 million in England alone by 2050, tensions between different ethnic and social backgrounds will eventually come to a boiling point in a massively overcrowded Island.

Whether you like it or not, the UK has been, and still is a soft touch for immigrants to move here. Some are very welcome, and wish to fit in to the UK community, some should never have been allowed to step foot on to British soil, thats the fault of Goverment.

If you are living in a run down overcrowded city, surrounded by different ethnic groups all throwing their weight of their own religions on to each other,and not willing to join the British community in any fashion, it is easy for any Nationalistic body whether BNP or radical muslim etc to look tempting to some people.

I just think people should show a little respect for the country they are living in, but in this day and age of terrorism and manic religous zealots all power hungry, and stopping at nothing to get their own way, i can't see it happening.

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It should be pretty simple to process appilcations. If people are honestly and truely running for their lives, they would stop when they reach safety. Most of those reaching our shores have come through France, which last time I checked was a pretty safe/stable country.


That is a poor and feeble excuse made in order to duck any responsibility. Britain should have the same responsibility to house refugees as anywhere else. Just because we happen to be an island doesn't mean we should only have to take people fleeing Ireland, Norway and France: ie, none. Many people come to Britain because they can speak some English, which is understandable, and perhaps this is one of the prices we have to pay for our efforts to make English a global language.


where's the motivation for anybody to work these days when you see how much some people are getting on benefits?

This is just daft. The two are not comparable. Living off benefits is not a comfortable life. Plus, who exactly is it you are referring to? Are you saying that people within Europe - Poles, Lithuanians, blah blah - are coming and living off benefits? That's not my experience. They seem to be working very hard. People from further afield? Well they can only come in with a work visa (ie - they're working), or as successful refugees. And if someone has had a successful asylum claim, having escaped war, violence, whatever, I don't begrudge them a bit of time off. But I suspect most want to just get on with their lives and start working.

You're right, there are some British people who live off benefits because they can't be bothered to work. But I wouldn't say that's because benefits are too high. It's a far, far more complicated issue than that.


I sound like I'm defending the status quo in every way, which I certainly am not. But I object to complex problems being turned into simplistic, jigoistic excuses for a bit of zenophobic banter.

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I firmly believe that if you haven't put anything into the country's economy you shouldn't get anything out...no matter where you come from.



Don't you pay taxes and contribute to the economy every time you buy your groceries, fill up with petrol and buy clothes to put on your back?


Consider as well those who work part-time. You have to earn over a particular threshold before you have to pay taxes on your income. Some people are only able to work part-time due to family commitments - consider a single mother who has worked nearly ten years part-time while her children are in school - you are effectively saying that if, heaven forbid, she should lose her job that she is not entitled to any help while she looks for another one?

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This is just daft. The two are not comparable. Living off benefits is not a comfortable life.



I knew of one person who was in a well paid job, but he told me if he took everything into account he was only comming in to work for £30 a week more than he'd make on benefits, a single parent with 2 children...would you do a 40hour week for £30?

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Why should you be able to get that in Britain, when billions don't even have proper food, water and sanitation? Why should we demand to 'protect white british culture' instead of maybe uniting through adversity and try to help the world?


making me out to be Racist again?

Holland has a very diverse and multicultural society but they can still get on with their own traditions without the PC squad taking them down at every oportunity

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sorry JAS, to answer your question I should be able to get this because thats why I pay my taxes, rates etc. I pay for clean water and sanitation.

I also pay for too many lazy twats to sit around spouting BS that they can't work because they pulled a muscle in their finger once.(maybe not quite that bad but...)

Don't you pay taxes and contribute to the economy every time you buy your groceries, fill up with petrol and buy clothes to put on your back?

Indeed, but at least I worked for the money I spend.

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Why should we demand to 'protect white british culture' instead of maybe uniting through adversity and try to help the world?


nothing to do with protecting "white" british culture(where I thought the racist jibe was) I'm quite happy to unite with others, a shame we have to uphold immigrants traditions over our own tho... PJ's post covers this quite well I think.

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Why should you be able to get that in Britain, when billions don't even have proper food, water and sanitation? Why should we demand to protect white british culture' instead of maybe uniting through adversity and try to help the world?


Baron Farkoff wrote:

I keep hearing about Shetlands "world class" music. Well it gets treated like a second class item as far as I can see.




OK, lets spend the Mareel budget in Africa, just think how many lives we could save by giving it away, Its an unnecessary luxury, most of us wont ever set foot in the place anyway :lol:

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