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If you could change 1 thing in Shetland, what would it be?


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If you could change 1 thing in Shetland, what would it be and why?



The council housing department.............all full of bull.....say one thing do another.....when you confront them or catch them out they say 'oh it's at the council's discretion' They all think they are some sort of Gods..so why cannot they offer a proper service with out trying to dictate, they are not omnipotent at the end of the day, even though the Head of Housing may think he is????

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If you could change 1 thing in Shetland, what would it be and why?



The council housing department.............all full of bull.....say one thing do another.....when you confront them or catch them out they say 'oh it's at the council's discretion' They all think they are some sort of Gods..so why cannot they offer a proper service with out trying to dictate, they are not omnipotent at the end of the day, even though the Head of Housing may think he is????


I don't know what your dealings in detail have been with the Council's Housing Department but I have to say, when I was on the waiting list and telephoned/e-mailed to ascertain how application was proceeding/where we were on the list, I found the majority of staff to be extremely helpful and polite (only one person could be described as being a bit of cow IMHO). The telephone was always answered promptly.


If you are experiencing "Council's discretion" then ask for a copy of their procedures and whether the issue in question is discretionary by means of delegated authority. If they say the latter, then ask for a copy of the minutes from the Council meeting where such power was delegated. If it is a repair issue, follow procedures and if they are deviating from procedure/ignoring you, file a complaint even if it means going to the Ombudsman or seeking legal advice. Best of luck.

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thats a good one by jamlar.


it took the council over a year to lift our cats pee soaked floor. they did come and replace it but unknown to us they put the new flooring on top of the soaked flooring so problem wasn't sorted


when they lifted the original flooring it took, my boyfriend, 3 council guys, paint scrapers and a lot of bleach and about 30 minutes of scraping to get the dried in pee from the floor insulation underneath.


thankfully the workers were really good and could smell that it had gone up into the walls so they replaced that and done a really good job. if only the workers were in charge we would'nt have had to live in a stinking house for a year!!!!

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I thought it was illegal to keep pets in social housing? I would hope they could trace the perpetrator and charge them for the repairs. It must have cost the council tax payers a fortune.


It is not illegal to keep pets in social housing. If anything, I'm amazed someone hasn't had a go at some housing associations who state that you cannot keep ANY pet under the Human Rights legislation (right to family life, etc.?) Some Councils adopt a common-sense attitude (for example, no more than one dog) whereas others are downright draconian (not even a goldfish).


It wouldn't cost the council tax payers a fortune as it would come out of the Housing Department's budget which is separate to Council Tax.

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i don't think the person paid from what i heard


also the council could've got the job done right first time rather than covering it up. so we had 2 guys out to put flooring over the original floor, so that would've cost a days work, tools, new plasterboard (which then got ripped up and binned).


then there was the many complaints and time taken to respond to that and come out and inspect it again. more man hours wasted. then in the end 3 guys came to do the job right. more expense


when every worker that came into the couldn't understand why it hadn't been fixed first time

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  • 3 weeks later...

It wouldn't cost the council tax payers a fortune as it would come out of the Housing Department's budget which is separate to Council Tax.


the housing gets goverment funding, every council does but that juat means it's our tax's ( not council tax's ) what are paying for them so i think we are on to a no winner here :lol:

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