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europe should we stay or should we go?


should a national poll be held to determine whether we should stay in europe  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. should a national poll be held to determine whether we should stay in europe

    • yes as soon as possible
    • yes immediately after next elections(uk)
    • don't know
    • no
    • I don't belive in referendums

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I'm talking about Europe's racist history from the individual to the sovereign state. Individuals need laws to stop their racist tendencies, nations need sanctions to stop their government's racist policies.


Name me a war or genocide it has stopped since ted heath signed us up tp this crap then.


I'm saying these events have been avoided


Wouldn't Hungary et al be back to murdering its Gypsy, Jewish and other minority populations by now if there wasn't an EU?


Just like you don't have faith in the EU I have a lack of faith in Europe's nations.

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I also have a lack of faith in Europes nations, thats why I am not pleased that we ae being ruled through an unelected euopean elite through the E.U.

I dont undestand how you can have faith in the E.U. political union, but not in the nations which make up this political union?

Whatever, over the next few months I think any pro-european union argument will be over entirely .

Look forward to hearing from you all when you are in full agreement.

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I dont undestand how you can have faith in the E.U. political union, but not in the nations which make up this political union?


I have faith in the EU's political union on human rights. I'm pleasently surprised on how enlightened it is given the individual nation's racist histories.


As soon as the EU makes policy and laws and societies that persecute it's minorities like European nations have done throughout history then I will be in agreement with you. I won't be living in Europe at that time though.

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My answer is YES.......we should stay or we should go. Let me explain. I believe that we should either be a full and enthusiastic member of the EU including joining the Euro when it is right to do so or we should leave. But being a sort of half member is not in the long term interests of the UK or the EU.

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I cant understand how anybody can defend the E.U. superstate project ?

Unless you are a gravy train riding member of the politcal elite of course.


I can't understand how anyone can consider supporting the public school wing of the BNP, but there you go. :roll: :?

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  • 5 weeks later...

I am fully aware through our global warming chats, that you are not far short from the kind of dudes who wear sandwich boards with "the end of the world is nigh!! written on them . And you sound like a brain washed drone to the mainstream media machine when you state UKIP are no differ from the BNP.

If this country is given its justly deserved referendum on whether we should stay part of and indeed be swallowed up by the eu superstate. Then UKIP will dissolve, it purpose will have been fulfilled.

Full control of country and territorial waters.


Any way the day of reckon is fast approaching see here:-



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