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Call of duty Modern warfare 2, relised Early, in clives????


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Clive's were selling it early because A LOT of places were breaking street date.


All the better for me. Ended up getting Hardened Edition, for a couple of arms and a leg. But I ended up getting a friend over and we're around 60% through Spec Op's on Veteran difficulty. I've been playing games all my life and dear christ, it is difficult.

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^Wuss. I finished it on extreme-veteran-insanely-bonkers-difficult difficulty... and all this before they'd even started writing it :twisted:


I did hear an interesting Chinese whisper from our resident l337 no-scoper that, "anyone caught playing the game prior to the official release date would be fined 75000 USD". I lol'ed :P

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You see, this sort of thing genuinely pisses me off. This isn't anything to do with the fact he's a person who's into computer games, more the writer isn't interested in her partners other interests. She could at least try to get involved rather than mindlessly writing it off. And you know... Maybe computer games are just a lot more fun than relationships? :lol:

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I get scowled at for taking part in a weekly racing league on the net, then when she moans about spending quality time together I remind her making me watch


Strictly Come Dancing

X Factor

I'm a celebrity get me out of here


and last and definitely least


Big Brother


Is not spending quality time together at least when I'm playing a game I'm engaging a larger portion of my napper than letting the mindless drivel of the above wash over me.

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