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chinese lanterns over scalloway

number 7

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Actually, is there anything that folk won't find something to moan about? the lanterns are silent and peaceful. maybe you'd prefer wis to set off some fireworks and upset all the neighbours dogs? im assuming that we havent heard of a cow death from sky lantern string up here? they're a lovely site, and a lovely thing to do with family on special occasions. a simple thing, not causing any grief to any one else. but hey lets have a moan anyways. i've ten to set off at christmas time, can't wait.

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I am not moaning, and agree that the lanterns are a great sight on a fine still night. I just want people to be aware of the potential consequences, although in Shetland chances are that they will end up in the sea anyway. Good to see that tingwalllass has posted a source of lanterns without wire, I never knew about those.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Flare sighting leads to extensive search

A large scale search was made last night, after Shetland Coastguard received reports of a flare near Copinsay.


Following the report, which came in at around 9.10pm, Kirkwall's Lifeboat and Coastguard team were called to search the area around Copinsay, along with Sumburgh's rescue helicopter.


The mv Hascosay, which was east of Copinsay and heading for Kirkwall, was also asked to keep a look out.


After searching until midnight, the mission was called off after nothing was sighted.


Shetland Coastguard said the light was most likely a Chinese lantern, and renewed pleas for the public to contact them before setting them off.

© The Orcadian online today


... off Copinsay that's at least about 5 kilometres (as the crow flies) away from the next house in Deerness ...

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^^....and then there was this only last Wednesday, the 6th.


SHETLAND coastguard yesterday (Thursday) reminded people setting off Chinese lanterns into the sky to let them know, in case they are mistaken for flares.


The call came after the Lerwick lifeboat was called out after a red flare was seen over Mousa on Wednesday evening around 6.30pm. Nothing was found at the scene, but on their way back at 10pm the lifeboat crew saw several Chinese lanterns over Brei Wick, off Sound.



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...and the coastguard were not informed of the ones over Tingwall, despite what the 'lass' said. I spoke at the time with someone who had called them on the evening and thankfully the coastguard immediately assumed them to be chinese lanterns. (no offence to whoever set them off, just emphasising the point that people don't tend to call the coastgurd.) :wink:

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...and the coastguard were not informed of the ones over Tingwall, despite what the 'lass' said. I spoke at the time with someone who had called them on the evening and thankfully the coastguard immediately assumed them to be chinese lanterns. (no offence to whoever set them off, just emphasising the point that people don't tend to call the coastgurd.) :wink:


At the time, no the coastguard we not informed as I along with everyone else was not aware that we had to.

Now however the coastguard are informed, before and after setting off skylantrens. They are also made aware of how many we are setting off and where from.


Jeeeeez! :roll:


For anyone setting of skylantrens please do call the coastguard 01595 692976

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At no point in my last post did i say anything relating to people calling the coastguards as "morons".


Obviously anything seen that's suspicious should be reported to the coastguard immediately.


My point is directed at those responsible for releasing these things into the sky resulting in helicopter and lifeboat crews risking their life, not to mention the cost, and also from being diverted from a possible real emergency situation.


A bit of common sense must surely prevail....

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I will re-write my last comment as I think you have miss read it...


''No need for that!!!


What about the folk that do phone the coast guard? (when setting off sky lantrens)Are they ‘Morons' too?

‘Morons’ for doing a peaceful quiet act that doesn’t hurt anybody or anything?''

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What about the folk that do phone the coast guard? (when setting off sky lantrens)Are they ‘Morons' too?

‘Morons’ for doing a peaceful quiet act that doesn’t hurt anybody or anything?''


I'm not going to accuse anyone of being a moron or anything else, however the "doesn’t hurt anybody or anything" line is fast being called in to question.


Certainly letting the CG know some of these things are going to be in the air is being responsible, and helpful to them in identifying what is or isn't a genuine distress signal. It puts the CG in a bit of a fix though as they're having to make a call whether something some member of the public reports, which they themselves cannot see at that moment, and said member of the public may not be able to describe all that helpfully, is innocent entertainment or a serious call for help.


In their line of work they have to err on the side of caution and assume something is genuine until and unless proven beyond reasonable doubt otherwise. Its bound to lead to at least some false callouts of emergency services, especially when some reports amount to nothing much more than "I saw a reddy blinkin licht idda heevens ta da aesterd o' here, cud a been a flare...."


Its all fine and well as long as the emergency service folk, a lot of whom are volunteers, don't object to having their time wasted on such call outs, or any such call out results in delays in responding to a genuine one which occurs at around the same time, or the CG makes a wrong call and ignores a genuine flare sighting due to lanterns being set off around the same time assuming it to be one of them.


Yes, all slim chances of happening I'll admit, but as time goes on, one or the other is bound to eventually crop up.

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I fully agree that the CG should be informed when any member of the public are setting off sky lantrens, it is a huge waste of time and money if they are called out.


What I don't agree with is "suuusssiiieee" calling people "morons" for setting them off, thats just pure rude.




i tink we all agree noo,we did set aff twartree in mid december,we wir simply unaware dit we had tae tell onybody,we thought fok wid ken da diffrence atween flairs an lantrens.seemingly dey dunna.

da last twa lots we set aff we did notify da cg although wan o dat lot we hed tae abandon cus it wis to windy,but we even telt da cg dat.

shurly aabody'll pee streight noo.an as fur onybody dit thinks we wir daft fur no kening,weel a'm sorry,we'll aa hae tae try an be as perfect as you fae noo an on. :twisted:

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  • 3 weeks later...

There was a piece on radio 4 a couple of days ago regarding chinese lantern's and livestock.

One landed in a paddock where there was a foal with it's mother. Subsquently the foal panicked and ran into the fence and was in such a bad way it was put down.


In other instances, lanterns have been landing in hay meadows, the hay has been cut for silage containing the fine wire from the lanterns and cattle have been eating it and choking to death on the wire.

Also a potential fire risk in dry areas of heath or woodland, and in villages in England where there are thatched roofs.


At the end of the day it is just littering pure and simple, but legal :roll:


If i was caught throwing chip wrappers in da street, i'd get done.


This goe's for ballons, theyr'e ok if kept indoors.

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