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If I won the lottery.....


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There was a programme on the other night about Michael Carroll, the so called King Of Chavs

who won £9.7 million on the lottery. Keith Allens documentary pretty much portrayed him as being largely a media construct, who actually lives in a small house, with his girlfriend and only turns on the "chav-ness" when the press are around.


It did raise the old chestnut though: What would you do if you won the lottery? Would you blow it all like him? Would you "change"?


Apart form the obvious nice car, nice house etc, has anyone actually thought beyond that?


So, what would you do with a lottery win?

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that program was very funny.. loved the bit where Keith was asked by some nosey neighbours what he was doing.. and he went" we got word that there is a black homosexual pedophile living in the street"


as for what i would do if i won the lottery.. after paying of my relations mortgauges etc.. I would basically live of the interest... and buy a cruieser and travel teh world in a bit fo style.

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1 mill gets you about £30000 per annum in interest.. 9.7...fuppin heck.


Chelseas owner gets £11.29 interest PER SECOND. 8O


Not necessarily. There's a marked difference between saving and investing. An investment i (and many others) made a few years ago collapsed to a quarter of it's value in two months. Bye-bye sponduliks!


Even so how would you fill your time? Staring at the bridge of a cruiser would get pretty dull after a year or so.

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There's a point now, if you won>14 million you've got a guaranteed win, so if you waited for a big fat rollover you could double your money :D


......and then drink yourself to death :tmbup;


When the rollover got really big once I remember this idea doing the rounds. Camelot threatened to refuse to accept the tickets. No-one would have been mad enough to bet on it in case several people won and had to share the jackpot.


I think that I would share it with my friends on Shetlink :wink:

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