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Firm blames planners for redundancies


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What a surprise! JHB are owing tens of thousands of pounds to a host of local sub-contractors and suppliers and have been for a long time. Now it appears they are not paying the taxman! This is all money from housing and other projects that are complete, NOTHING to do with the planned housing scheme proposed to be built in Scalloway.


Can anyone tell me where the profit has gone from all the houses which they have built over the last few years? They certainly don't build houses to make a loss.


I don't/can't believe they have spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on planning for a scheme that would rely on the planning board for permission.


To blame the council for the company's downfall is a total kop out. I believe the directors of JHB knew they were in the midden and blaming the council is the easy way out for them!

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i thought there were waiting lists of two years to get a house built because of the lack of builders.

how can they make a loss if that is true. now if they were south you could understand.


maybe a little bit of nationalization and use the staff to build the house we need.


with that hanging over them they are dead who would support any project by them.

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Guest Anonymous

they have always had rumours of bouncing along on the bones o thier "rears" , looks like the crunch this time. Canna say they ever did me any favours and wont be shedding any tears over them

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Guest Anonymous

JH has made a mint by not paying his bills, there are a lot of folks struggling because he owes them money. The thing is he has been screwing folks over for years, I only hope that this time he loses everything including the shirt on his back instead of others having to pick up the tab.

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Guest Anonymous
JH has made a mint by not paying his bills, there are a lot of folks struggling because he owes them money. The thing is he has been screwing folks over for years, I only hope that this time he loses everything including the shirt on his back instead of others having to pick up the tab.

kinda what i was angling at yeh, they tried every angle to screw money aff my old boss 20 odd year ago , sayin thir price was cut to the bon n we kent fine weel it wisna, an in case they winna get much sympathy affa Shetlanders if they dunna employ aa Shetlanders

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Guest Raven007

Rejecting the planning for that scheme was ridiculous , im fed up with Iris Hawkins , i think the people of Scalloway should do thier best to ensure she doesnt get re-elected , as for the rest of the councillors there not much better , its high time we were rid of this calamitous muppet show that they are running !

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Rejecting the planning for that scheme was ridiculous , im fed up with Iris Hawkins , i think the people of Scalloway should do thier best to ensure she doesnt get re-elected , as for the rest of the councillors there not much better , its high time we were rid of this calamitous muppet show that they are running !


This has absolutely nothing to do with the financial state that JHB find themselves in now!


Another point on the job losses. That a valid point but by not paying a host of sub-contractors they are putting the livelyhoods of as many people at risk again by continually not paying bills and taking money for themselves!



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I don't/can't believe they have spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on planning for a scheme that would rely on the planning board for permission.



JHB have been planning this scheme for four years. With the money they have laid out I doubt it was poop or bust for them.


I would tend to think bust regardless. Even if planning had given it the green light the other week, nothing would yet be signed and sealed, it would still have had to be ratified by the full council at the yet to be held meeting.


Where were they going to get close on 1/4 of a Mill ASAP anyway to make sure the tax man kept his hounds on a leash even if it had been approved. If they'd been promised a down payment, or had an agreed line of credit set up, either one pending planning approval, that could cover the tax man, it was all still going to end in tears anyway.


If the down payment or credit was supposed to cover part costs of Utnabrake, and they gave it to the tax man to cover old debts, that's robbing Peter to pay Paul. The cash would have run out again before Utnabrake was paid for, so you'd have ended up with either finsihed, but poor quality falling apart houses because more corners had been cut during building than there were cuttable corners, to try and come in under the absurdly limited finance available, or they'd have gone bust half way through with a whole slew of unfinished houses, and with all the mess that entails.


That used to be the way builders went bust during booms, remember Jennings at Waas, Gray-Thomson at the Ness, and the absurdly complicated and lengthy process that ensued before work was resumed to completion by another contractor. If a company is relying on downpayments and/or a credit line for work not yet started to cover debts from work already done, as appears to be the case here, they're on borrowed time and not long for this world as is. Its better then that they go this way, rather than in the middle of a big job.


On the face of it JBT took on something that was beyond their means, and the inevitable has occured.

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Guest Anonymous

I know of quite a few companies owed a lot of money by JHB, small privately owned by folks with families, John halcrow has never given two hoots for them so why should we give a hoot for him.

But what really pisses me of is when he goes bust, the tax man gets first shout on the money leaving others who are owed money struggling to pay their bills, then along comes the tax man again "pay me first or get wound up as well."

This is short sighted on the part of the government and something that should be looked at.

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