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Firm blames planners for redundancies


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JH has made a mint by not paying his bills, there are a lot of folks struggling because he owes them money. The thing is he has been screwing folks over for years, I only hope that this time he loses everything including the shirt on his back instead of others having to pick up the tab.

kinda what i was angling at yeh, they tried every angle to screw money aff my old boss 20 odd year ago , sayin thir price was cut to the bon n we kent fine weel it wisna, an in case they winna get much sympathy affa Shetlanders if they dunna employ aa Shetlanders


Seems to be doin aa rite for himsel judging by the 476 sq. metre 3 storey mansion house he is building !!




The land this is going on is owned by same owner as proposed development!!

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On the face of it JBT took on something that was beyond their means, and the inevitable has occured.


GR dus gettin dye company names mixed up I tink


Yup, guilty as charged. A bad typo. Sorry. (Blasted initials everyone uses). :oops:


I saw it, but not before the "Edit" button had gone AWOL. :evil:

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On the face of it JBT took on something that was beyond their means, and the inevitable has occured.

GR dus gettin dye company names mixed up I tink

Yup, guilty as charged. A bad typo. Sorry. (Blasted initials everyone uses). :oops:

I saw it, but not before the "Edit" button had gone AWOL. :evil:

I was in the middle of typing something here and I used JBT as well.

GR, dell be cumn ta haul de awa - and if I had posted, me tae. :mrgreen:

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What's this Ghostrider

Is someone coming to take you away ha ah

Yeah, he's going away on a JBT truck (it's coming up specially for him) alang wi icepick239 and not forgetting Para himself.

The New Chief Executive and Judane threads will never ever be the same again.

The Mods will be nearly unemployed. :mrgreen:

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  • 1 month later...

After a lengthy stressfull carry on, trying to build a house with JHB, and failling. To many problems to mention but, mainly cash required with no decent contract, empty promises and lies. Then hearing they are in trouble and the personnel have registered two new companies. I would like to share the folowing. Hopefully it will be of use to anyone who is considering building with any firm in the future. Saving them the strife we went through.

Anyone thinking of buying/building a house should hold on until after the 1st April 2010. On that date the house building industry is set to announce some long overdue consumer protection measures, the most important of which will bind housebuilders to a fixed completion date on schemes.

At present, the ball is in the builders court. They can delay projects for their own convenience, or cash flow then serve a 14 day completion notice on the buyers. You could hand over the money and wait years for your house to be built, with no explination or apology.

This new Mandatory Consumer Code will bring to order builders who have gotten away with to much, for to long! It will be enforced by independent arbitration. It will apply from the point of reservation, when buyers will be entitled to an agreement that sets out the terms, the price, how long the price valid for, and the reservation fee, which is reimbursed if the agreement is cancelled. I could go on but if considering a house build please check out www.consumercodeforhomebuilders.com It may save you a catalogue of problems in the future.

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....This new Mandatory Consumer Code will bring to order builders who have gotten away with to much, for to long! It will be enforced by independent arbitration. problems in the future....


Doesn't look very mandatory to me?


From their website :


"This Consumer Code is a voluntary industry code..."


Q2 on their FAQ

Q:Do builders have to sign up to the Consumer Code?

A: No

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Oh well, maybe my bubble has been burst, but that is what i was lead to beileve, it was "mandatory". Maybe it's to good to be true.

As for a contract before handing over cash. Of course you would need to sign one. You would be a fool not to. Guess thats why we never bulit with JHB. When a firm promotes they provide "everything, stress free." Their contract inc! Then months down the line descovering it doesn't protect the customer. Not much use if you hand over vast quantities of cash and they go out the back door. (They started asking for cash without any contract!!) Warning bells were sounding at that time.

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