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Independence for Shetland!


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128 members have voted

  1. 1. Where do you stand?

    • Full independence
    • Crown dependency
    • Keep the status quo

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I think independence would do Shetland a lot of good.


Take as an example the Faroese. Think what you like about them but their adventurous, gung-ho attitude to life seems to have paid dividends. Since they took charge of their affairs their population has risen sharply. Shetland's, in comparison, has dwindled. Faroe is also a prosperous place - and that's without an oil industry.


The situations of Faroe and Shetland are so similar it would appear logical to presume that Shetland could benefit from greater autonomy over her own affairs.

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yeehaa! sign me up for yun, re-instate da 'ting'! :D


would love it but i'm only being half serious, i reckon we could of made a go of it a while back (not necessarily after the oil, although the pipes would have likely bypassed wis) but i don't think it would be all that possible without substantial backing from somewhere else (E.U. U.K. Scandinavia? wha'd want us) faroe gets a fair handout fae denmark, seeing as they aren't actually independent... home rule for shetland then, isn't that what devolution should be about? :?

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I think independence would do Shetland a lot of good.


Take as an example the Faroese. Think what you like about them but their adventurous, gung-ho attitude to life seems to have paid dividends. Since they took charge of their affairs their population has risen sharply. Shetland's, in comparison, has dwindled. Faroe is also a prosperous place - and that's without an oil industry.


The situations of Faroe and Shetland are so similar it would appear logical to presume that Shetland could benefit from greater autonomy over her own affairs.


Cut us a deal where we get the same amount of cash from Denmark as the Faroese do, and I'm in.


Easy to be gung ho and prosperous when a big cheque comes in every month from Kobnhavn...

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  • 1 year later...

A lot of the discussions on here end up with the same topic Shetlands status in the UK.

I know where I stand on this subject but what are your opinions on this.

Would Shetland be better or worse off with a greater degree of autonomy if not outright independence.


arguments for and against please


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There are MUCH more complicated problems in the world to deal with like people starving and turd than to worry about us wanting something as ridiculious as independence for Shetland.


I think we have to look after ourselves first before we can help anyone else. Therefore I think Independence could be made to be a good thing, If we could prosper economically from it, I would vote yes in a second, provided we can pick enough intelligent savvy people to govern.


I also think we need to keep in mind that world economics are changing (possibly to our advantage), we have a good industrial base from the Pelagic fishing fleet, Whitefish fleet, Salmon and Cod farming, Livestock, the remainder of north sea oil and gas and also the HUGE potential for producing renewable energy. Renewable energy in the coming decades will be where serious money will be made. Our industry's are very solid, and our produce will be ever more sought after.


So, I think if we went about independence in the correct way, we could be extremely economically viable, with no need for handouts from anyone.

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Norway has built up a surplus of cash to the tune of £100+ billion has the highest standard of living in Europe and not that much more oil than Shetland.

The fishing industry is thriving and fish farming did not suffer anything like it did in Shetland all due to the fact that they have self determination.

The Faroes do get money from Denmark but that is just Denmark repaying them for the resources that they took from Faroes in the past.

The Faroes fishing industry is thriving, no problems with overfishing because those closest to the problems make the decisions unlike our situation where halfwits that have never set foot on Shetland far less a fishing boat decide how our industry should be run.

J.A.Stewart you have relatives in Burra you must see how ridiculous the situation is here at the moment. maybe we could help feed some of those starving people if we didn't have to throw perfectly good fish over the side just to keep the halfwits in Brussels happy.

decentralised decision making can only be for the good of everyone, except those that are profiteering from us at the moment.

Yes we have got a couple of new boats but there was a time not so long ago when every household in Burra had at least one member making a very good living from the fishing.

I think Ross and the boys are taking a hell of a gamble that the powers that rule from afar are not going to decide to cut his Quota and days at sea for no other reason than flawed scientific advice, or maybe they just want to drive our fishermen to bankruptcy so Pedro, Hans and Pierre can come along and help themselves.

The Scots and the English don't have too good a record in decision making as regards to Shetland so I cant see how we could be worse off under home rule.

We got a penny on the barrel where as the UK takes 40% of the revenue of our oil

the current price of oil is £40+/- a barrel that's 4000 pennies so even if we still got a penny on the barrel it would only be 0.025% so I reckon we got a piss poor deal out of it. and we only got that to appease us. If the UK government didn't think we had a right to even more we would not of had even this paltry amount.

But maybe I'm just being xenophobic

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I'm still not convinced that Shetland actually has oil. It has an oil terminal. If that was even owned by Shetland then maybe the people who actually 'own' the oil would deign to do business here since it was convenient. Other than this, Shetland doesn't seem to have as large a claim to the oil as I think some people believe it does.


What army does Shetland have to defend it with?

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