abraxas Posted December 17, 2007 Report Share Posted December 17, 2007 Mr Shagger,I still say there ain't no Scots in me, but then the Scots an the Pcts were a different race, as were the Scots and the Gaels, the Celts, the Danes an all the other invadin hordes that settled Scotland. I DID say that I wis descended (much diluted, as I am sure, are the "vikings" o Shetland ) from a line that harks back te the oldest clan in Scotland, an that they wuz descended from the ould Irish (pre-Celtic an Gael) that once ruled Scotland an Ireland. But then who among us isn't a contradiction? (waxin philosphical, like ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TYR/RAGNAROK Posted January 6, 2008 Report Share Posted January 6, 2008 @ Abraxas, duz du evin come fae shaetlan?or byd owir here?(du clearly admits ate no haen ony Vikin genes or scottesh genes, etc.) an i lik da wi du kin gae bak in tyme an brag aboot bein descendid fae da first evir irish clan dat roold scotland! which is ho mony thoosand year ago?!!, but fur wis tae evin tink aboot discussin shaetlans past is wrang an dats only 538 (Takk Trønder!) year ago.How faar bak ir we allowd tae learn fae den? 100 year ago? 50? 10?am no sayin wi shood drap aathin wi hae noo an be handid bak tae norway, am sayin dat lets learn da history, mak up wir minds whits ryt an wrang fur shaetlans future sake, cos hit myt mean dat we decide tae gae independant or stay wi da croon or whitivr, History is interestin an shoodna bee shunned or hidden awa, i tink dus gittin a peerie moot excitable.spikin aboot jews an war wi da french(dul b fechtin against desel den) an nobel prizes."An da winnir for da supreme use o da smiley icon nobel prize gaes tae........" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trønder Posted January 6, 2008 Report Share Posted January 6, 2008 I still say there ain't no Scots in me, but then the Scots an the Pcts were a different race, as were the Scots and the Gaels, the Celts, the Danes an all the other invadin hordes that settled Scotland.Not too many Danes came to Scotland and Shetland/Orkney, I think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TeeAyBee Posted January 6, 2008 Report Share Posted January 6, 2008 I still say there ain't no Scots in me, but then the Scots an the Pcts were a different race, as were the Scots and the Gaels, the Celts, the Danes an all the other invadin hordes that settled Scotland.Not too many Danes came to Scotland and Shetland/Orkney, I think. More towards the East and South coasts of England weren't they? I do recall a History lesson about Kent being under Danelaw and near where I grew up there was a place called Dane Valley and another called Dane Park along with several roads named after Norsemen such as Hengist, Horsa, and others (hmm, they could be Saxon rather than Dane - the history lesson was a long time ago). Then again the majority of Kent was Roman well before and who knows who they displaced. There is no Scot in me at all, although it is odd to move to somewhere where I actually look like the archtypal local - you know, red boiler suit and yellow wellies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trout Posted January 11, 2008 Report Share Posted January 11, 2008 Though there are several threads relating to topics inclusive of the below - I've chosen to place the snippet below in this thread as it is currently the most active. Well created and presented I thought - (from a technical point of view - see some of the bollox posted on the Internet!?! jeebus!!!). An excellent way to disemminate a message to a wide demographic. Go and watch the webcast - it's only 12 minutes odd. I AM interested to read in the Shetland News that the SIC is considering going it alone on the question of repayment of grants to fishermen. My research shows that Shetland could never have been legitimately incorporated into the UK and hence cannot have been included in any arrangements by the UK to enter the European Union. I have given the SIC legal department a copy of my argument outlining why ownership of Shetland has never been acquired by the Crown. This is a question of fundamental importance to Shetland and one that needsconfirmation. Without ownership the St. Ninian's Isle treasure case verdict can have had no basis, nor can the salmon farmers' case - both of which are crucial to the Crown's position. Without ownership, the UK government was acting outside its powers in using Shetland's fisheries as a bargaining chip to enter the EEC and acted unconstitutionally in not allowing Shetland to opt out when it voted so to do. It is my contention that the Crown Estates base their claim to the seabed on a basic misunderstanding by English and Scottish educated lawyers and academics as to the nature of the sovereignty exercised here. That sovereignty is only of an administrative nature and cannot include ownership in the English and Scottish feudal tradition. Without ownership, the Crown cannot charge rent for the seabed, nor has it any business licensing the oil companies to exploit it. No length of time can have given the Crown ownership it never had in the first place. Without Crown ownership, European jurisdiction here is invalid. The SIC must test the validity of these claims and a good way to do that would be to withhold rents from the Crown Estates until they can come up with satisfactory evidence of title, which my research tells me will not be possible. Contest the fishermen's grant question on the same basis - Shetland cannot legitimately have joined the EU. Until the Crown can prove its ownership, none of this is pie-in-the-sky and the SIC would be neglecting its duty to the people of Shetland if it does not get a satisfactory answer. If you would like more detail, you can find the text version of my recent talk on this subject at: www.shetlandconversation.com/011114talktext.doc At the same site you will also find a link to the introductory video, the first in a series on the subject:www.shetlandconversation.com/video1/whoownsshetland-intro.htm Regards, Stuart Hill.admin@shetlandindependent.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trønder Posted January 28, 2008 Report Share Posted January 28, 2008 U-turn from UK government on state aid appeal25 January 2008Neil Riddell THE UK government appears to have performed a u-turn over its support for the council's appeal against the European Commission's state aid ruling. http://www.shetlandtoday.co.uk/Shetlandtimes/content_details.asp?ContentID=25014 This should be good news then... ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Njugle Posted January 28, 2008 Report Share Posted January 28, 2008 This is a very interesting turn of events. Something i was reading a couple of days ago was directly comparable with Shetlands situation, but was in the Governments own interest to support, so they were and i thought "Hmm, that's odd", maybe they thought the same thing, precedents and all that. Just wish i could remember what on earth it was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sheepshagger Posted January 28, 2008 Report Share Posted January 28, 2008 Cant believe it only took the government 2 weeks from reading Stuarts letter to do their U turn unussually decisive thinking for this lot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freyr Posted February 11, 2008 Report Share Posted February 11, 2008 I found this paper: Identities, Boundaries and Voters ‘Re-visiting “Internal Colonialism†– The Case of Shetland’ by Joy Squires at the University of Wolverhampton I haven't read all of it, but it seems like at least some here might find it interesting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Para Handy Posted February 11, 2008 Report Share Posted February 11, 2008 Not if it is going to be run by the S.I.C. Not if it is going to be run by the S.N.P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sheepshagger Posted February 11, 2008 Report Share Posted February 11, 2008 Thanks Freyr, It is good that some one that can troll the net for articles like this.folk seem to think that the scots mistreatment of Shetland all lies in the past if it happened at all, or in the perceptions of folks like myself.fact is we have been getting screwed by the scots since they first got their filthy thieving hands on us and this has carried on right up to the present day.The lairds have robbed us blind and their decendants are still at it.For our own and our decendants sake we must do what ever is nessesary to break the chains and go forward into the future self determined. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Westmoother Posted February 13, 2008 Report Share Posted February 13, 2008 Hi everyone. As you may know, I’m starting on a series of talks around Shetland entitled ‘Who Owns Shetland?’ I’ll be coming to a hall near you, so look forward to seeing you there. During the preparation process I’ve crystallised the whole thing down to the crucial issue: When did the Crown get ownership? That’s the only question you need to ask. In the absence of an answer (and nobody has been able to give me one so far), the whole official version of Shetland’s relationship with Scotland and the UK falls apart. The basis for the UK government to license the oil companies and to take us into the EEC/EU collapses. Without ownership all these actions were (and are) fraudulent.I've got a lot of information to share, quite a lot of which is new and I’m offering positive ways forward – actions that can be taken now.See the new website: www.shetlandconversation.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MJ Posted February 13, 2008 Report Share Posted February 13, 2008 Oh dear seem to have missed you. Didn't see any advertising about your waa's date 4th Jan. Did many make it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marmalade Posted February 13, 2008 Report Share Posted February 13, 2008 I'd always been told that when Shetland became under Scottish ownership that officials from Scotland had come up, gone around the crofts and gotten those who lived in the crofts to sign a form that would let them keep their land. As the people were mostly illiterate they signed the form not realising that this would hand their land over to the crown, disbanding the Yudal law. People signed X's where the names were meant to go as they didn't know how to write. Not sure if that's real or not, just what I've been told. I won't be able to attend any of the meetings, will there be any chance to see a presentation of it, or summary on the website? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Westmoother Posted February 13, 2008 Report Share Posted February 13, 2008 Oh dear seem to have missed you. Didn't see any advertising about your waa's date 4th Jan. Did many make it? Thanks for pointing that out - it was a spreadsheet error. Waas is on 26th Feb.There will be a notice in your local shop and in the Shetland Times. I won't be able to attend any of the meetings, will there be any chance to see a presentation of it, or summary on the website? I've made a DVD, which actually has more information than the talk. Quality is by no means professional, but the best I can do until I can afford studio time. You can buy it (£10+P&P) and see a preview at: http://www.shetlandconversation.com/buy-dvd/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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