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Boo hoo....Tea loaf disaster


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Boo hoo :cry: just made my first tea loaves as per the recipe on shetlopedia


but using earl grey and a little mixed spice.


My wife said it was like chewing a sponge :oops: and the bottom half had currants in and the top none :roll:


I did think about cuting the fruti free top off ech one and sticking them together to have one fruity one and one fruit-less one :lol:


The batter was pretty thick, why did my currants not rise with the rest?


Is it supposed to be like eating a sponge :cry:


Boo hoo...........

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Cheers :D , so scoop out the soaked friut and mix it in the flour and then add the liquor back to it?


But will it make it taste like something that even the dog doesn't turn her nose up at :lol:


To be fair she has got the sent of a load of reestit mutton we've just been given 8) so I think I'll need to barricade the cupboard door in the night!


I don't mind the texture, as I like malt loaf, but it's got a bitter after taste to it and the sugars given it a fairly tough 'crust'... at a bit of a loss really.


Anyone got a better recipe?



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Mystery.....that was an easy one to do....the only explanation I can think about is that the batter has been too thin...it shall be rather thick..... difficult to explain....and I would never used Earl Grey tea :roll:........

Da Auld Een liked it so much that I had problem to take a picture of it before he had eaten all :lol: :lol:

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Wow that was quick Oddrun


Well I like earl grey but that wasn't the problem. I thought the batter was pretty thick as did our lass but obviously not thibk enough.


She usual does cakes. I usually do savoury stuff. Seems like I messed up the lines of demarcation :!:

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Guest Anonymous

Next time she makes it I'll take pictures at various stages. That might give some clues.

I can assure you that when it's right, it's beautiful.

Apart from one little problem,, for some reason it gives me excessive gas. :oops:

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If the same rule of baking applies to loaf that applies to cake type things, they used to say that a fruit cake that all the fruit had ended up in the bottom half, was caused by the oven not being hot enough in the initial stages when the dough was rising.


However, I am the kind of cook that can just about burn water without trying, I can cook, I just never can raise the interest, patience or enthusiasm to do it even half right), so my advice might be best ignored, and me keep off any thread to do with cooking. :lol:

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