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Contrails over Shetland


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I doubt you are informed on the true purpose of every flight that moves under a government or military stamp but can you get any information on the discrepancies in numbers of air traffic moving over Shetland from last summer compared to now?


You would doubt incorrectly. I have a telephone line to the military and can query on the flight plan of every flight in my airspace. There is very little military traffic in the Shetland area, most of the RAF training in Scotland occurs in the North sea or the Moray Firth. Of the military traffic that is there 95% of it is fighters on training sorties. I would say on average that there is around 2 hours of military activity in the area in any given month.


When you phoned the airport what they were telling you is that all the high level traffic is controlled by controllers at the Prestwick ATC Centre (Nothing to do with the airport). The sector overhead Shetland is Moray and is controlled by a single controller whom I also have a direct telephone link to, as well as being able to see the data labels on all of his flights. The vast majority of them are transatlantic passenger flights, the rest are domestic flights to and from Shetland.

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Guest Anonymous

You didn't answer the question. But, seeing as I allready know the answer, it doesn't matter.

Also (if you're unable to converse further) let me leave you with some wise words...

Have the courage to change what you can, The resolve to accept what you cannot and the wisdom to know the difference.

You, little radical, have none of these traits!.. Have a nice life. :D

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@Sumburgh Radar


Thank you for the information; however getting someone to tell you an individuals flight plan is not the same as being in on a need to know basis for any military or governmental purpose of flight.


Oh, one last thing NorthernXposure...


The goverment is not your enemy, you are


we've all watched while countries were invaded without cause and peoples human and civil rights were contravened




Don't cross the streams dude.

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Guest Anonymous

Are you a journalist?

You should be. You have a natural tallent for picking out lines of text that suit your point only. If there's anything about that paragraph that you don't understand.. I'd be glad to help.

And when I reffer to 'everyone standing by and doing nothing', Don't think that it doesn't include you, little radical.

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getting someone to tell you an individuals flight plan is not the same as being in on a need to know basis for any military or governmental purpose of flight.


And a couple of military flights per month mostly involving fighters is not the same as multiple military aircraft criss crossing the skies spraying chemicals on a daily basis.

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We need a varied input to debate. The ability therefore to read all the text published in the public domain and quote them in other public posts as a means to clarify another publishers stance, meaning or projections.

So to more or less hope a god or gods sort this out or to hope folk tell the truth is a bit backward. The way to get response is to prod the subject with a slightly sharpened stick. Ponds, stone and ripple come to mind.

Anyhow, Radar dude, how is your confidentiality contact worded, could you tell us how many military flights pass over here to another great nation, are we still allowing political prisoners to be transported through our airspace. Are these vehicles creating the upsurge in the environmental destruction of our skies with or without those destined for internment in a foreign land, or, is the upsurge in the activities in the east now polluting our sky.

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I'll attempt to reason with you troll, instead of just feeding you but I don't hold out much hope of helping you reach any kind of self realization.


Are you a journalist? You should be. You have a natural tallent for picking out lines of text that suit your point only. If there's anything about that paragraph that you don't understand.. I'd be glad to help.


Just pointing out the obvious glaring anomallies in your thought process really and yes I'd enjoy watching you fail to explain yourself.


You see in the first post, you seem to state that government would not cause any harm and does not act against me; while the second brings up illegal wars started by government and human rights being contravened because of government procedure.


You don't think these two points clash in any way? No paradox there, no?

Nothing about holding both those viewpoints that defies intuition for you?

You didn't just paint something black then shout at me for not seeing it as white?


explain this




@Sumburgh Radar


And a couple of military flights per month mostly involving fighters is not the same as multiple military aircraft criss crossing the skies spraying chemicals on a daily basis.


Not seen any military fighters but like I said, I've seen 6 in the sky at the same time, laying down the trails; would 6 high altitude planes in the same area at exactly the same time be an unusual thing?



Your touching down here is much appreciated, now I know you're the real thing. Please do stick around as we may have more questions for you and not just from me and my "little radicals" but for more general, down to earth type questions involving our air traffic flow.



Seen the photos you'd taken while I was having a nose around to check your story out. Some cool stuff there, you should stick the link up on the boards somewhere; this lot would love that sorta stuff.

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Guest Anonymous

I't was mildy amusing to begin with but i'm growing tired of you now.

Once again you've failed to interpret correctly.

Point 1: I said 'youare a bigger enemy to you than the goverment.

Point 2: How exactly has any unjustified war that our (or any) country waged inconvenienced you? Maybe the reason we're all so quite about it is it acually benefits us?!

As my final, final point for this evening. I would say maybe you should stop being so selfish. Because you are!

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Not seen any military fighters but like I said, I've seen 6 in the sky at the same time, laying down the trails; would 6 high altitude planes in the same area at exactly the same time be an unusual thing?


Fighters are usually confined to offshore areas. They usually come up to practice bombing runs over Fair Isle.


6 High altitude planes in the same place is not that unusual, especially during the morning transatlantic rush. They will be 1000' vertically seperated.

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6 High altitude planes in the same place is not that unusual, especially during the morning transatlantic rush. They will be 1000' vertically seperated.


Why have there been no "transatlantic rushes" of late? or any planes or trails of any kind?

The skies are back to their natural puff ball shapes, when without fail when the trails have been left and spread out, the clouds assume an inevitable ploughed out ripple effect before moving into a thick haze; losing all edges and form.


I'm old enough to remember when you could hear when a plane went past with a trail, that was always gone within seconds or minutes at the very most and nothing like the mess seen now.


Most people who refuse to accept any posible connection, will not be putting in any study time to look for one.

The brain can be quite useful at seeing patterns but the eyes must be engaged before any data can be received.

There is now a constant media position pushed, that if anyone does ask the question, that they are to be dealt out the most vile abuse for bothering to entertain the idea and be treated with; as troll boy NorthernXposure, badly spelt out "every ounce of contempt you diserve"

which when repeated enough, helps keep the herd in line and encourage others not to leave their fairytale comfort zone, where the powers that be don't just see them as something in the way, of a wider operation.

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Guest Anonymous

"Near the day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky." [hopi prophecies]

Bring it on I say. (but then i've never been superstishius)

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"Near the day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky." [hopi prophecies]

Bring it on I say. (but then i've never been superstishius)




If you check your history, you will find that this was written a considerable time before either Wilbur or Orville Wright were born; making any link between a Hopi interpretation or foreknowledge of future events and the topic at hand, highly unlikely.


Perhaps you've failed to interpret the data correctly.

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