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Contrails over Shetland


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Not so. Mr C was a realist.. As am I.

You on the other hand are an extremist (there's a difference).


Now it's conspiracy, see they've made that something that should not be even entertained for a minute; that powerful people might get together and have a plan; "Doesn't happen, you're a kook, your a conspiracy buff"

So the only way you cure that is death, bloodshed. I don't advocate it but I see it's the only answer.


Does it not seem the way, that Mr C is saying just about much the same kind of things that you have been screaming bloody murder at me for throughout our time together?

Except he even states that bloodshed and death are the only cure against the powerful people.


How does Mr Cs statement relate to your "realist" outlook, when it comes to "powerful people, who might have a plan"? because it seems to me from your posts, that you yourself label people "conspiracy theorists" with as much a mocking sneer as you can muster, just for entertaining an idea and what do you see as the difference in what you and your label gun have tagged as "extremist" in me?


You're also quite an abusive person.. There's no need to be that way.


Your opening statement, was to say you conduct yourself "very very poorly" in discussions of this type and I can see that now. You went on to promise me, I would be treated to every ounce of contempt you thought I deserved; with which, among other things like false assumptions, outright lies and petty name calling; came an offer for me to take my own life.

You initiated and deliberately provoked the situation you are now bawwing about and blaming me for.

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Guest Anonymous
bloodshed and death are the only cure against the powerful peope

Am i right in thinking that you are threatening violence towards me??

I think this could warrant a complaint to the moderator!.

I'm presuming it's I that you're refering to when you say 'powerful people'?

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NorthernXposure....I get the feeling you have dug a bit of a hole for yourself.


Koy is making no direct threats to you.




Perhaps just seeing con trails is not too much of a problem when some folk see planes but no trails.


When I lived in Greenwich, we often has the smell of aviation fuel in the air, I also did a milk delivery round at Hatton Cross, with the mix of car fumes, aviation fumes (fuel and exhaust) it could be quite choking on a hot still day.


The last house I delivered to would have to have her roof tiles repaired on a regular basis due to the vortex created by landing aircraft.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

[***Mod Edit - Quote removed, please refrain from quoting spammers, it helps them and makes extra work for the mods***]




A person who has at long last put (Con) into the truth of God

But they have left out the trick bit. Oops

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Anonymous

Did anyone else see the vapour trails over Northmavine today? Whatever was making them had a very precise flightpath and made a series of oval shapes in a north easterly direction..

I know some people believe the government is spraying chemicals on us but they seem to be particularly concentrating on the inhabitants o Sullom!

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