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Contrails over Shetland


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hahaha i saw them I was outside having a cigarette, it was snowing quite heavy and when the snow stopped the lines appeard just over where the landing strip is , he was circleing to land while the snow was making visability poor I guess. I quite enjoy the other theories though lol

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Nice to see people are now beginning to wake up and realise what is occuring above their heads here in Shetland!


I have been researching Chemtrails for approx 6 years now and other relevant associated areas for the past 2. I have been involved on a number of fronts and my research/evidence includes documents and written replys from various persons and organisations as well as an ever growing number of photos approx 2000 + and a large number of videos which I have filmed in various locations of the Uk inc Shetland.


I have just relocated back to Shetland and will in the near future be looking to meet up with aware individuals and groups in order give talks, pass on information etc.


In the meantime can I offer some words of advice - please dont waste your valubal time and energy debating the existance of Chemtrails on the forums with individuals paid or otherwise whos sole intent is to gain intel from us while spreading disinformation - this is exactly what they want.


If you want to fight back - the best way is to spread the word by networking your contacts, organising letter drops and start meet up groups of your own.


In addition to this and becouse they may be shortly about to play the saving the world weather mod card, then when filming the sprayers consentrate on Low Altitude Spraying as you dont weather mod from 12000 feet over residential areas and food crops. I am not saying that they arent playing god with the weather - they most definatly ARE just that this is definatly not ALL they are doing.


Also focus on Aircraft in breach of Aviation Close Proximity regulations IE five miles apart (apart from take of and landing).


The online posting of evidence remains absolutly vital, however think 9/11 and the tons of online proof and yet still the machine rumbles on....?


Remember also that the MPs cannot and will not help you, although any replys may be usefull for evidence gathering purposes.


If you are interested in meeting up or have any questions then please dont hesitate to contact me.



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Nice to see people are now beginning to wake up and realise what is occuring above their heads here in Shetland!


I have been researching Chemtrails for approx 6 years now and other relevant associated areas for the past 2. I have been involved on a number of fronts and my research/evidence includes documents and written replys from various persons and organisations as well as an ever growing number of photos approx 2000 + and a large number of videos which I have filmed in various locations of the Uk inc Shetland.


I have just relocated back to Shetland and will in the near future be looking to meet up with aware individuals and groups in order give talks, pass on information etc.


In the meantime can I offer some words of advice - please dont waste your valubal time and energy debating the existance of Chemtrails on the forums with individuals paid or otherwise whos sole intent is to gain intel from us while spreading disinformation - this is exactly what they want.


If you want to fight back - the best way is to spread the word by networking your contacts, organising letter drops and start meet up groups of your own.


In addition to this and becouse they may be shortly about to play the saving the world weather mod card, then when filming the sprayers consentrate on Low Altitude Spraying as you dont weather mod from 12000 feet over residential areas and food crops. I am not saying that they arent playing god with the weather - they most definatly ARE just that this is definatly not ALL they are doing.


Also focus on Aircraft in breach of Aviation Close Proximity regulations IE five miles apart (apart from take of and landing).


The online posting of evidence remains absolutly vital, however think 9/11 and the tons of online proof and yet still the machine rumbles on....?


Remember also that the MPs cannot and will not help you, although any replys may be usefull for evidence gathering purposes.


If you are interested in meeting up or have any questions then please dont hesitate to contact me.



We-hey, another conspiracy nut!


Tell me, POPCORN, what do you think happens when the hydrogen in jet fuel is burnt (ie: combined with Oxygen)?


A: It makes Dihydrogen Monoxide, otherwise known as water (H2O). And when this comes out of the back end of a jet engine into cold, low-pressure air at altitude, it condenses into clouds, leaving vapour trails behind the jet aircraft.


No secret Guvmint conspiracy required.


:shock: :roll: :lol:

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There are over a thousand controllers in the UK. Do you think we have all been paid to be quiet? Seriously?


You know the ones; white, all at high altitude and (unless they were on the return run) all leaving "contrails" that lingered for hours.

I phoned Sumburgh myself and lied about who I was and why I was phoning and was told the jets didn't really have anything to do with them and that it was

that they were operating from, which I might add, has continued its traditional strategic role as a refuelling point for military aircraft – the USAF, RAF and the Canadian Forces Air Command.


What you would have been told was that high level jets flying over Shetland are controlled from the National Air Traffic Services centre situated at Prestwick (not Prestwick Airport). They could have departed from anywhere. As they are operating at such a high altitude they have no affect on aircraft arriving / departing at Sumburgh so are of no interest to them.

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Always interesting to see what crawls from under which stone when the truth or real evidence is presented.... or as on this occasion just the mention of the word Chemtrails appears to have have been enough to instigate this type of reaction?


I consider myself too long in the tooth having played this game many times before, so please be advised that in regard to myself your sport is well and truly over for the season.


Instead, while allowing the evidence to speak for itself I will continue to inform and educate, however, for those concerned dont fret as I will still post online - just not in the fashion you would hope for.

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So, do these Chemical trails fall directly onto Shetland, Scotland or even the whole of the UK?

Thanks for telling us we would waste our time debating the existence of Chemical Trails, you are so kind.

What crops need spraying?

And, are you saying the UKGov are letting this happen?

High altitude Chemical Trails, if I see one above, how will I know, and who is it directed at?

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Would any interested adults out there like to meet up for a daytime coffee in town and an informal chat about Chemtrails?


I am available from this weekend Sat 5th Feb - 11th.


Please send me a PM if you are interested.


(***Mod Edit - Merged with the chemtrails thread***)

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