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The Shetlands (what's your take on this term?)


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Glad i didna hae tae point yun oot Bryan :D


Weel, i wisna lookin at in depth reserch tae comminity view on da subject or suggestin everybody should keen etc.


I wis referrin tae da fact dat fok wha is goin tae publicly spik aboot somewhar can surely hae da decency tae simply look at da neem o da place.


Fur example ;








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Glad i didna hae tae point yun oot Bryan :D


Your typing and knowledge aren't perfect either, so I wouldn't start throwing stones if I were you.


Fact of it is that everyone has different ideas about how things should be pronounced and, whilst technically not correct, 'The Shetlands' is good enough for most purposes. It may annoy you, but it's not a contraction without precedence.


That you're being so uptight about it only makes me want to start using the term myself. In fact, I may start referring to this place as 'The Shetlands Island'. That would drive you bonkers! ;)

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That you're being so uptight about it only makes me want to start using the term myself. In fact, I may start referring to this place as 'The Shetlands Island'. That would drive you bonkers! ;)


We should start referring to the British Virgin Islands as the British Virgins. That would drive them bonkers.

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'Shetlands' is merely an obvious and logical contraction of 'Shetland Islands'


I have at times heard it contracted to four letters with a misspelling to boot in relation to various aspects of the place. I may even have uttered such treasons against the rock myself in one of them black mood moments.


If we get over patriotic of our wee pearil on daft points like this it sniffs of inferiority complexes and redneck tendencies of the "we dont take kindly to people who say Shetlands instead of shetland in these parts" type.


Just roll your eyes and let it go, Shetland will still keep our feet dry with or without an interloping s. There is a bigger world and bigger issues to worry about and deal with.

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Yes, it may be slack, it may be technically wrong, but it's probably not going to go away. There are too many other 'plural places' - the Scillies have already been mentioned, I'm writing from the Midlands, and so on.


Or, play it up. "Sumburgh, twinned with Goose Green" ... :wink:

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Hehe i love da waye forums aye seem tae be "angry" :)


As i said, it dusna budder me, its just terrible grammer.


Cracker aboot da Virgins tho Inky!




"Caa me whit du wants, just dunna caa me ower ca banks!"


Edit - on reflection, if onybody is capable o being "annoyed" by something lik yun, maybe dey shúd heed fur da banks :D

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It really is quite simple. There is Shetland and there is South Shetland. They are quite a distance apart but it is quite correct to use the term "The Shetlands" when referring to both places at the same time. Otherwise it is not.

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Pa me wy up tae da Unsts I geed apo da Yell ferry. Braw gud bit o traevelin an dan haed tae mak me wy up tru da Yells afor I geed apo da Unst ferry.


Perpetuation of specious sentence structure :wink:

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