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The Da Vinci Code

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Well i saw the film with the Girlfriend this weekend. I had read her copy of the book before the film and it's pretty close to the text.

Having said that, the film is cack. It's way too long (goes on for about 20-30 minutes after the not-so-shattering climax), and it's VERY stupid with dialogue that blockbuster tend to have ("we need to go to Westminster Abbey in London.... thats in England!").

It also looked like Tome Hanks, Amelie & Gandalf didn't need to eat/drink/sleep/ go for a slash desite being on the run for what looked likean eternity. Oh and don't get me started on the Hankster and his weird "manageable" hair.

The only good bit was when Paul Bettany playing the monk, epspecially the self Flagellation scenes. I needed to go to the toilet at that point!

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It also looked like Tome Hanks, Amelie & Gandalf didn't need to eat/drink/sleep/ go for a slash desite being on the run for what looked likean eternity.


If you didn't like that, I suggest you never watch 24.


Jack Bauer has been for 1 pee in 5 days.

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Don't you think it is amazing that cinemas have been packed to the rafters with people wanting to see Da Davinci Code, and also how it has even merited a thread on this site.


However, how many people actually go to church these days and care about religion as such? So, on this basis, where is the church going wrong in the todays society - perhaps that is worthy of another thread in another section? Over to you Peerie Bryan....... :lol:

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Don't you think it is amazing that cinemas have been packed to the rafters with people wanting to see Da Davinci Code, and also how it has even merited a thread on this site.


However, how many people actually go to church these days and care about religion as such? So, on this basis, where is the church going wrong in the todays society - perhaps that is worthy of another thread in another section? Over to you Peerie Bryan....... :lol:


You can make as many threads as you want mate, you don't have to wait for others to post it.

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I saw the film recently and I think it was better than the book in a way. It seemed to get to the point a bit better. The crazy english guy didn't look anything like the picture I had in my mind from the book though.

People who aren't particularly interested in religion have probably been going to see it mostly due to all the publicity and the fact that it caused a bit of a stir. Also, when you basically know nothing about religion, it's easier to watch a film about it than read through piles of intimidating literature.

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  • 4 months later...

Saw this film at the weekend for the first time. I thought it was pretty good film, but it is no more than that.


By chance there was a docuthing on one of the free view channels the next night and oh my (nearly said the G word there) goodness all those people who really believe all that made me laugh out loud.


Pray if you like, nobody is listening.

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  • 3 months later...

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