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Norwegian House Website

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Thankfully there has been a slight improvement in what's being built in Shetland with a nice injection of colourful Scandinavian houses. I favour this because it helps combat the very long, drab and dark winters that we get.


Sadly, however, some people can't see the benefits of this and are still building these small window old scottish designs which in my humble opinion are not only very drab but why anybody would build such a house with their small windows is beyond me.


Environmentally speaking these houses use up a horrendous amount of unsustainable material like rock, cement and slate. They are in essence just grey square lumps of concrete :(


But if these people want to build a house that consumes tonnes of unsustainable material and that costs a fortune to keep lighted due to their small windows then there's not much I can do about it other than to plod on with this small thread of mine!.

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Thankfully there has been a slight improvement in what's being built in Shetland with a nice injection of colourful Scandinavian houses.

I was interested to learn what the opinion of Jonathan Meades is on Shetland architecture, especially in the light of his interesting TV programmes on the architecture of Lewis/Harris etc. His reply today was somewhat limited due to not having had much time to get about since arriving. He did, however, state something to cheer up Kavi Ugl. His first impression was that unlike Lewis/Harris, which is universally bleak and grey, Shetland's buildings appear to be much more colourful and vibrant.

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That's nice to hear as a first impression :)


But, my hope is that everybody in Shetland will become more aware about improving wir architecture with a little style and colour.


On this note, I noticed a couple of weeks ago as I came over the bridge and into Burra two nice timber clad red houses. What a wonderful difference it makes compared to the old dour block and harl rectangle.


I'd be interested to know what's planned for replacing the North Star.



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Anyone happen to know who designed/built/supplied the kit for the beautiful green very Norwegian looking house on Bressay, about halfway to the Kirkabister light down by the shore? It looks like it has a sun room at the back and a small outhouse out the front if that helps! Only ever seen it from the sea, so can't be more precise :oops:

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I really do appreciate these links; they are informative and to be honest, save me a whole lot of "internet legwork" in researching house designs.


I can assure you (and anyone else who reads this post) that whatever we end up building will be of sustainlably sourced materials, so more probably than not will be a timber home.


My partner and I are unsure as to whether a steel or timber frame/skeleton would be best, and need to put some more research into this. We do like the Erlund "look" of timber housing, though like the house designs of Helvik Hus so we may end up with a hybrid.


Either way, please do keep posting these links and images; it is very appreciated and proves informative to us potential island incomers. If possible, please post details of what is currently being approved/built on Shetland so we know what type of housing construction is underway; whatever we build will be sympathetic to the landscape but will also pay homage to Shetland's Nordic heritage :)


I am sure they appreciate your comments. It is always nice to see someone willing to make a +ve contribution.


It is also nice to know that these posts have gone some way in helping towards your move to Shetland.


Kavi your funny....


unsustainable material like rock


I am sure there are buildings hundreds of years old built from rock from buildings thousands of years old. Has a bit of longevity.


I do see a little of what you may be thinking, but what happens when the forests of Shetland cannot deliver the cladding. :wink:

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On this note, I noticed a couple of weeks ago as I came over the bridge and into Burra two nice timber clad red houses. What a wonderful difference it makes compared to the old dour block and harl rectangle.


The paint for both these houses was supplied by Halcrows Shop in Burra.

At a very reasonable price too i hear.

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I wish some of these designs could be seen at the Ideal Homes Exhibition this weekend but I guess they'll be confined to this little thread.


Oh well, it's better than nothing.








And two beautiful new houses in Burra.





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Well those houses and designs do nothing for me Kavi, i know we are all entitled to our opinions but some people get carried away and seem to be on some sort of crusade :roll:


I'm sorry you feel that way and it's a shame you seem so upset about it:(. I think there are some wonderful designs on these links and feel that if some of the houses on them were built in Shetland it would improve our architecture and really enhance the character of Shetland, and thus make Shetland a nicer place to live in!.


In the meantine, I'll pop another link on here.





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Furthermore, I'm quite pleased to see someone demonstrating a passion in a positive and enthusiastic way. I think this thread is a credit to Shetlink, and that Kavi should be encouraged, not criticised.


If you don't like the house style, then that's perfectly ok too, but let's see some photos of your preferred style; or perhaps a discussion on the pros and cons of the design.



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Furthermore, I'm quite pleased to see someone demonstrating a passion in a positive and enthusiastic way. I think this thread is a credit to Shetlink, and that Kavi should be encouraged, not criticised.


If you don't like the house style, then that's perfectly ok too, but let's see some photos of your preferred style; or perhaps a discussion on the pros and cons of the design.




What you talkin about Fjool. Couldn't resist that.


i am entitled to my opinion the same as everyone else you as a mod should understand this.

I am not saying that i do not like all of these designs but some of them in my opinion have no place in shetland. :lol:

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