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The North Boat (Northlink ferries)


Where should the North Boat dock?  

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  1. 1. Where should the North Boat dock?

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Believe me, Kavi, there is nothing in your post that I can disagree with regarding service and conditions.


It is the same old 'Master Mariners' lurching up off the seabed to spout briny, seaweed encrusted pish regarding what skippers should be doing that leaves me helpless with laughter. 






'The black pot kettle the calling':




Even more helpless with laughter!!!





I'd respond to that - if I had the slightest idea of what you are ranting on about.


Calm down, dear, and explain in terms a simple fellow like me can understand.  :thmbsup

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Ah, hang on - I'm starting to wake up a bit now!


II: You've made some very valid and informative points in your previous posts. information as opposed to ridiculous opinion regarding the 'good old days'. My mickey take wasn't directed at you...but if the cap fits..... :cool:


But.....watching a small boat with no-one but professional seamen on chugging across an AIS plot does not equate to sending out a passenger ferry with the general public on board. There's plenty of shipping bouncing about out there in rough weather - granted - but I'd say none of those on board those vessels are going to complain loudly online because they were getting bounced off the bulkheads etc.


Going onto a more general point - some folk cannot resist blarting on about how the old skippers and officers on the St Ola would have done this/that/the other. The general vibe seems to be that the present Skippers and OOW's etc are somehow not up to the job.


But....if my memory serves me correctly.....one of the present skippers was Mate on the St Ola   :ponders:


But I still can't make sense of your post, II.  :razz:

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Scorrie your profile pic is full just like your self,any tom,dick  or harry can get a ticket to sail but it comes down to seaman ship and that's where nortlink is lacking.


Yes your write theres a mate who was on the ola  who is capt on the hammavoe,theres a bit of difference between the pentland frith an north sea


Westerly wind!!!!! never been heard off all this delays,so yes no doubt about it the older generation of mates/capts is certainly a better breed of seamen ship.


I don't care what you write but we have a lifeline service that's not being fulfilled,its commom knowledge that people fall over on route or bang in to bulkheads but that's what you expect in winter in the north sea


So scorrie you being a novice of the sea stop writing so much crap when some of us relay on getting our product to the mainland in time to our customers,TIME IS MONEY ask any businessman

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I wondered when you'd come out of Davy Jones' locker.....


Regarding your first two paragraphs:


Why don't you just pop down to the Northlink terminal, ask permission to go on the bridge and then tell them what you've just written in those two paragraphs? I'm sure they'll be very polite, but I reckon they'll all fall about laughing after you've gone......


And yes, there are problems with the service, but I don't think that much of it can be laid at the door of the guys on board. You'll need to go into the upper echelons of paper shufflers to make any real progress on that front. Constant pish about 'the good old days' gets us nowhere. They've gone. Move forward. 


Last paragraph:


Seeing as I'm responsible for the shipping of six figures worth of goods South (some for onward shipment to the Continent) every month, I like to think I've a pretty fair idea of how problems with the service can impact local business. Like I said, Papsy, there needs to be some sorting out but just slagging off skippers and OOW's achieves nothing.


'Novice of the sea'? Aye.That'll be me. 

I've got me bluenose certificates from both ends and crossed the line more times Neptune, me. 

And I were punching sprayers and running two-stage flash evaps mid Atlantic when you were wobbling around your local voe in a punt, Ahab. :thmbsup


So pull up a bollard and I'll tell you a ditty or two.......  :razz:

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Let's be honest about this.  Northlink is not running a suitable service to be counted as a "lifeline" service for Orkney and Shetland.  But to defend Serco they have to operate the service from Aberdeen and at least the passenger vessels came with the contract although maybe they could look for more suitable freight ships.


New contract now being discussed and it really is time that Northlink, the Scottish Government, Aberdeen Harbour, Zettrans and other interested parties perhaps including other parties interested in tendering got around a table to talk about what would be desirable for the new contract, what might be possible when the new contract starts and what might be possible in the future with new vessels and changes in Aberdeen Harbour.


Even Shetlink has a part to play as a forum for constructive discussion about what people want to see from the new contract.  My first point is that I want to see a lot of single cabins. I travel alone and while I want a cabin I do not want to share (get seasick).  Currently I have to pay extra to have a cabin for myself and also, especially on busy nights, I feel guilty that I have taken a berth that could be occupied by someone who needs it.......or three berths if I have an inside cabin.  And remember, two people travelling together can still travel in single cabins if all the twins have been booked.  Some couples might even welcome being in single cabins if one gets seasick and the other is unsympathetic.

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And I were punching sprayers and running two-stage flash evaps mid Atlantic when you were wobbling around your local voe in a punt, Ahab. :thmbsup



Ha ha I haven't heard that for years oh those were the days daft midshipmen trying to get through both air locks



:mrgreen: Happy days.

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And I were punching sprayers and running two-stage flash evaps mid Atlantic when you were wobbling around your local voe in a punt, Ahab. :thmbsup



Ha ha I haven't heard that for years oh those were the days daft midshipmen trying to get through both air locks



:mrgreen: Happy days.


can i ask which fine ship you punched those sprayers on

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john here ....i remember one trip in particular on the old ninian returning from a long trip in the merchant navy when you could walk on the bulkheads when she rolled ..a good friend of mine and i spent most of the night walking around what was then the second class accomadation we got home none the worse for wear i am afraid i have no respect for someone who has only run a cross river ferry taking on a north atlantic ferry they are only out for profit and any excuse to reduce speed or tie up earns them another thousand or so .....brak oot da galley an git some o wir aald salts ta mak dem tink 

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