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Charitable Trust, independent of Council


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Blatantly obvious that the poll has people voting more than once by clearing their cookies/swapping from Firefox to Chrome to IE.  Elected was in the lead and then just like other polls, selected option went up and up and up every minute.


It could have been worded better.  They could have had selected appointees used throughout for selected trustees just like in the last option they referred to selected appointees.

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  • 10 months later...

It is laughable, but also worrying, that this unelected group of people can fill the trust with whoever they wish and control the people of Shetlands money.


I though one of their arguments for appointing trustees was they could get the right experience on board, If this is the best they can do then I can only assume it's just jobs for the boys or we will appoint those who fit our agenda.


Personally I am very concerned as to where this trust is going and that we now have a self appointing group of people who seem to crash ahead without taking on board the concerns of the community. It makes you wonder what their future agenda is.


They have already proved that they will just do their own thing regardless of public concern.

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This old nursery rhyme comes to mind:-


Half a pound of tuppenny rice
Half a pound of treacle
That's the way the money goes
Pop goes the weasel
Ha ha, yeah
Half a pound of tuppenny rice
Half a pound of treacle
That's the way the money goes
Pop goes the weasel
Every night, when I go out
The weasel's on the table
Take a stick and knock it off
Pop goes the weasel
Up and down the city road
In and out of the eagle
That's the way the money goes
Pop goes the weasel
Half a pound of tuppenny rice
Half a pound of treacle
Mix it up and make it nice
Pop goes the weasel
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Why do they not just give us each our £10000 or what ever it is,and let us as all decide for ourselves how we want to invest or spend it ,


This would solve the problem once and for all.

 That was suggested by a sitting councillor waaaay back when the whole thing started.  Trouble is, far to many other councillors thought that the idea of "the public" actually benefitting from oil was abhorrent as they all had little "pet" schemes that they wanted to finance.

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