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Charitable Trust, independent of Council


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Its YOUR money guys, and it should be handed by YOUR cooncillars, who YOU can vote out ift they are not up to the job (quite a few of the currant ones may be booted oot next election). YOU should not have YOUR money handled by unelected nonentitys who YOU cannot control.

If it's OUR money, why are YOU so interested in it?

Count the Millions that have been lost through bad judgement, bad business and just plain diddling-around and you want to continue?

But it's not YOUR money eh? :mrgreen:

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Count the Millions that have been lost through bad judgement, bad business and just plain diddling-around and you want to continue?

For the sake of balance, count the many millions more that have been wisely invested in infrastructure and services that afford Shetland one of the best collective qualities of life in the world


Perpetual and generalised SIC bashing makes for tedious reading

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For the sake of balance, count the many millions more that have been wisely invested in infrastructure and services that afford Shetland one of the best collective qualities of life in the world.


Well said boy. I doot if that balance would have been achieved if a bunch of unelected rogue/wannabee businessmen had been in charge.

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Its YOUR money guys, and it should be handed by YOUR cooncillars, ...

It's money of the Shetlanders, right, but why should it be handled by the coocillars, only ??? There is enough economic and political knowledge outwith da cooncil and among the Shetland public to handle that problem ...


Well, that was at least my impression over the years and looking from outside ... :wink:

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For the sake of balance, count the many millions more that have been wisely invested in infrastructure and services that afford Shetland one of the best collective qualities of life in the world.


Well said boy. I doot if that balance would have been achieved if a bunch of unelected rogue/wannabee businessmen had been in charge.

precisely, its business/capitalism the money is bein gambled on , bit like dragons den, theres successes too which some perpetual posters are no so willing to boast about, rather harp on about some poor beggers business goin up the spout

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Well said boy. I doot if that balance would have been achieved if a bunch of unelected rogue/wannabee businessmen had been in charge.


Who has suggested that the trustees be unelected?


Other than the current bunch who, in their proposals fior reform, suggest that :-

a) the councillors maintain a voting majority

B) the councillors hand-pick the remaining members of the Charitable Trust


Quite frankly both conditions are, in my opinion, untenable.


Direct elections to the Charitable Trust are the way forward.

Remember you've got until Friday to put your comments on the reform proposals to them.

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For the sake of balance, count the many millions more that have been wisely invested in infrastructure and services that afford Shetland one of the best collective qualities of life in the world


Perpetual and generalised SIC bashing makes for tedious reading


And these infrastructure and services would include the swimming pools/leisure facilities that are closing over the hols and also reducing services next year to save money.


Bit like spending all your money on a flash car and having none left to insure it or run it.


The Councils long term strategy must have assumed that -


a) decent income from Sullom would continue

B) charitable trust would remain healthy (succesful investment + no write offs)

c) population would remain/poss increase


I personally think the pool closing down over the hols is the tip of the iceberg. The wind farm may slow the economic downturn but it wont create the spin off jobs that Shetland has had from oil since the early 70's.

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Count the Millions that have been lost through bad judgement, bad business and just plain diddling-around and you want to continue?

For the sake of balance, count the many millions more that have been wisely invested in infrastructure and services that afford Shetland one of the best collective qualities of life in the world


Perpetual and generalised SIC bashing makes for tedious reading

A somewhat sweeping statement methinks Bryan.

If I wanted to write a report, it would of course hopefully be a balanced work.

I acknowledge the tremendous achievements made and of all the people responsible, for the year on year successes.


20+ million down the drain is an absolute disgrace and is partly (if not fully) why the Accounts Commission are now determined to root out what went wrong, why and also to hopefully make sure it can never happen again.

This Council heirarchy have ignored the 'Qualification' placed on it by Audit Scotland on yet another years Financial Statements, the fourth year in a row.

Our Council and our Islands are in the headlines, but for all the wrong reasons.

This crap denigrates all the good that is done by many people, day out and day in.


Generalised perpetual SIC bashing?


So be it, that's your opinion and seemingly a minority one. :mrgreen:

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Perpetual and generalised SIC bashing makes for tedious reading

... So be it, that's your opinion and seemingly a minority one.

Well, minority or not, it is mine too. Most of the SIC related postings merely revoice generic outrage and provide nothing new. Hence tedious.


I am quite a fan of a procedure followed by Martin Bell. I think he might have termed it the "Not Test" or something similar. When hearing politicians pour out their turgid manifesto messages, test each statement by seeing how it sounds with "not" inserted. If the resulting negated statement is so obvious that nobody could conceivably state it, then the original is totally pointless hot air. Nobody would ever argue "Our party is NOT against crime" or "Our party does NOT believe in good education."


So for example, when people say something like "The SIC should stop wasting money," the inverted statement would be "The SIC should not stop wasting money." Now, as nobody is ever likely to say something so stupid, the original statement's inane emptiness is highlighted.


Of course they shouldn't waste money, suggestions for strategy or tactics are interesting, stating the obvious is tedious.

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^^ Well put EM! Especially the part where you put forward "suggestions for strategy or tactics are interesting".


Indeed. Empty pleepsin being regurgitated and regurgitated ad nauseum has really no interest for many! People using this medium to engender dialogue and debate of ideas etc. does make far better use of the opportunity.

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so failing to get the accounts approved for 4 years is old and boring.


being inspected by audit Scotland, and the other bunch. is it normal practice.

OSCR being ignored at the risk of losing charity status millions down the pan.

the counsellors not willing to allow the trust funds to be controlled independent of there overall control is worrying.


having the trusts fund the councils excessive spending is concerning. an example being the anderson school. it may make sense for the council to borrow it from the development trust but it was rubber stamped.


all these being run by a bunch that are planning a over spend of 16 million. with the senior managers warning about not being able to pay for the care of our older folks.


so yes there is lots to talk about.

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There's an opportunity for anyone (and everyone) to have their say on the proposed changes to the structure of the Charitable Trust, i.e. number of Trustees, whether they should be independently elected, what proportion should be Councillors, and so on.

The details are on the CT web page, here:


Go for it! :D

Deadline is Friday 18th December.

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