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Charitable Trust, independent of Council


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No shame at all - I was simply demonstrating EM's assertion that 'the original statement's inane emptiness is highlighted'. :roll:


But enough of this off-topic tomfoolery - what think you of the Charitable Trust's proposals for reform?


As I've already stated I think it's too little. Way too little.


Additionally I'd encourage folk to click on the link below and state their opinion - Dr Black was quoted sometime last week as stating that she'd only had 10 or so responses. Something as important as this needs debate.

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scottish ombudsman by jees, well i never , spouting conditions about our charitable trust, soon to become some "scottish charitable trust" methinks
mark my words , hollyrood has set its sights on the trust millions n they are after it too

I will mark your words, and I would suggest others do too.


I think that you are entirely correct in this view. I hope it does not transpire, but it is my expectation that over the coming year there will indeed be moves to wrest control of the funds from here. For now they are sitting quiet allowing the current shambles to get worse.

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^^If they keep digging in their heels and don't separate the CT from the SIC, then they will certainly lose a large chunk of it through tax.

Another thought:

The total "oil fund" is split roughly 50/50 between the Charitable Trust and the SIC's Reserve Fund or Development Trust, or whatever. So if they completely reform the CT so that it is controlled independently by separately elected Trustees, the SIC will still have total control over about £200 million of the oil fund, which they can continue to draw on every year to make up their budget deficit, and squander it all in a few years.

If they are going to make the CT independent, they should put all of the oil fund into the CT, and then take steps to control their budget expenditure properly.


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The format of the Development has changed since I left the council so I couldn't tell you. However as much of the business will relate to the business affairs of individuals and companies I would expect that most of it would be in private for reasons of confidentiality.


I think the Council is now the sole Trustee of the Development Trust and I believe that the Development Committee makes decisions about what the Development Trust should do.

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Correct. The Development Committee are the relevant body for the affairs of the Developpment Trust. The delegated authority of officals is now much reduced (used to be up to 250K but now possibly only 50K?) so all new business must go before the Committee. However, there will be a number of items that are confidential by their very nature.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
I wonder when we'll hear the outcome of the public's comments on the proposed changes to the format of the Charitable Trust. It would be interesting to know how many people responded.


46 individuals, 10 community councils and 1 group (I assume to be Sustainable Shetland) responded. The responses of which "mirrored the wide ranging discussions undertaken by the Group [eight existing trustees]"


"The report aims to provide justification for the recommendations of the Group, which may either support, or in some cases not be in line with the views expressed through public comment"


Well I can certainly say that the group's recommendations did not reflect my response to the consultation.


In summary, 15 trustees and not surprisingly a majority of councillors (8 to 7). No mention about how the 7 non councillors will be selected other than based on their skill and experience, perhaps existing trustees might have a role in this?!?!?!?


Be interested to hear others feedback


The agenda papers from which I took the above are up for next week's meeting, see:



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^^So it seems that nothing has changed in their proposal following the consultation, unless I'm misunderstanding something.


I personally think it is dead wrong for the councillors to have a majority on the board (8 v. 7 others) as the CT is therefore still under the control of the SIC, and I cannot see how this solves the problem. I also think it is wrong for them (who-ever "them" is, probably someone in the SIC) to "recruit" or select the other independent members of the CT because this means that they can discriminate, which effectively gives them more control over the CT. These independent trustees should be separately elected.


I think they are being very foolish in playing this silly game, as in my view they run the risk of the CT losing its charitable status.

But we will see.

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