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Charitable Trust, independent of Council


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I was at the SCT meeting this morning and as far as I am concerned the turkeys think they have voted to cancel Christmas. They rejected the proposal in the report and rejected Jonathon Wills amendment to make it 7 councillors and 8 independents. Instead they went for Sandy Cluness's proposal for the status quo and leave it to the next council to sort out.


Instead of going quietly to the slaughter they have opted for a far messier end. I can't see OSCR accepting it for a minute.

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I am very interested in seeeing exactly which Councillors voted which way?


How do I get this information?


I would also like to see if Council members who carried this vote can be personally held responsible for any expenses that the ensuing (pointless) legal battle will cost the resources of the people of Shetland.


Getting rid of Davis Clark is only the first step in clearing this insidious waste of the resources of the people of Shetland.


The rot in the organisation starts at the top, and infects all the weak parts below.


Time for some MAJOR change.

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I am very interested in seeeing exactly which Councillors voted which way?


How do I get this information?



It was a roll call vote. The names were not reported in the media but they will be available when the minutes are released. This link is to the relevant page on the CT website



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Thanks, MJ.


It will be very interesting for everyone in Shetland to read how their representative voted on an issue which is almost guaranteed to become a huge financial liability for the people of Shetland.


As I watch the current leadership fritter away the foundations of a financial legacy that was designed to benefit Shetlanders for generations, I really wonder what they believe their remit is, and if they truly believe they are in any way responsible to the electorate - it certainly doesn't seeem that way to me.


Sandy Cluness will retire in 2012 as well as many of the individuals that are supporting his decisions - although I'm not sure they have a firm grasp of the fact that their tenure is in the hands of the voter!


So, we will enter into yet another phase of expensive evaluation, filled with more lawyers and consultants sucking on the SIC moomin - and after all the discussion and argument, they will restructure the CT and arrive at the exact same decision they have just voted against.


There is one thing for sure when you get a lawyer involved - there will be plenty more of them involved in the future - all with their clocks running and their hands out.


The CT decision runs in a similar vein to the horrifyingly stupid decisions on the Bressay Bridge - how much will that end up costing us?


Or Smyril Line - and the "forgotten" undeclared personal compensation.


Thankfully, there are still as couple of members of this council that are independent thinkers, capable of examining the information at hand and working for the benefit of the PEOPLE of Shetland - not the representatives of Shetland.


Getting rid of David Clark is just the first part of the resolution for putting the SIC in order. The next one involves the leadership of the elected body and the lemmings that blindly follow it's lead.

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Gimme a break.


No biscuits for trustees


FUTURE meetings of Shetland Charitable Trust will again be held in the council chamber after trustees heard that this would be the most cost effective option.


Previously, trustees had moved from Lerwick Town Hall to the Clickimin Centre in a bid to demonstrate its independence from the council, but found the acoustics in the gym hall not to be up to the job.


A report yesterday (Thursday) told trustees that they could hold their regular meetings in the town hall for £77.25 per meeting or opt for the Islesburgh community centre where room 16 would cost them £94.


In a closely fought contest the town hall option, proposed by Betty Fullerton, won by 11 votes to nine against Islesburgh, put forward by Laura Baisley.


Mrs Baisley had argued that Islesburgh was less crowded and, importantly, also served biscuits with the coffee.

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^^This is really scary. It shows that they have completely lost the plot. Quite apart from the pathetic pettiness of the biscuits, anyone who knows anything at all is well aware that you cannot fool the tax man, or anyone else, simply by holding your board meetings in a different location. And Sandy Cluness should know better, after all he is a lawyer. (?)

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If I recall correctly Sany Cluness voted for the return to the Town Hall. The Trust has been meeting at various venues, Clickimin, the Shetland Hotel and Islesburgh recently, to demonstrate separation from the SIC. The Town Hall is a public building,available for hire. However going back there for meetings sends a message that the SIC wants to bring the Trust back. It's all going to end in tears I'm afraid.

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^^My point is that it makes absolutely no difference where the meetings are held, and it was crazy to even think about it. The deciding factor is who do the controlling majority of trustees represent, and that is clearly the SIC. So long as that is the case, even with a 8-7 split, they cannot claim or demonstrate separation or independence by doing anything else. If they want to show that the CT is independent, then the controlling majority of the trustees must be independent.

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It's all going to end in tears I'm afraid.


I think you are correct. Sandy recently said on radio shetland that he had many years experience negotiating with central government and they are sometimes right and sometimes wrong. It seems to me bizarre that he has not considered that he might be wrong.

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You are so right, crofter :D Iwas appaled at the convener's arragance in saying nothing would alter until 2012.

The make up of the trust needs changing now, :evil:

a. to take the "power glory seekers" out of the equation and put it in the hands of the people for whose benefit it was intended.

b. to show the outside world that Shetland is not a dirty word to be sniggered at

c. to give the people of Shetland their pride back :D

In fact all the Trusts need looking at, as their so called independence is constantly being attacked by our so called representatives :cry:

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Guest Raven007

I think Sandy Cluness should do the right thing and resign , the council has rumbled fae one disaster to the next with him , also the majority of the councillors should be booted out , as there hopless , personally i only think , you should keep da flea , Wills and Robinson ,the rest are a bunch of clowns who dont have the courage to speak thier minds and stick to a desicion !

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I wholeheartedly agree with Mitzy and Raven. Sadly the arrogence does not stop at the top it goes all the way through the system...

We have a right to change things and we need to make a stand against this attitude. IMO We employ these people to look after the interests of Shetland and that does not mean "Self interest" All i see are (apart from a minority) our councillors dont give a hoot about what,s good for Shetland they are all in it for themselves and what they can get out ot it.


Looks to me that the wheels are falling of the propaganda wagon...


After the latest round of embarrasing events all we need now is another "Tin Pot" leader who thinks he is invincable

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