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Shetlink makes the paper on our 1 month anniversary !!


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We're all pretty chuffed over here at Shetlink after making the paper. The big time, eh. We'd been planning on sending a press release to them in the coming weeks, but they beat us to it!


However, we'd like to point out a small but important mistake in the Shetland Times today. Contrary to the article, anyone can post messages on the forum; you don't have to be a registered user. We believe that it's important to give members and non members the oppertunity to post annonymously, but we're very pleased that so many people have decided to sign up.


We only launched the site a month ago and we're amazed at how busy it's been. Click on the 'Statistics' link in the left hand modules menu to see what we mean. 30,000 page views in a month!


Thanks to you all for an amazing first month, the Shetlink team

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