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Save Scalloway School

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Just heard - they ARE closing Scalloway Junior High School.


Sad days for Scalloway, for Shetland, and for democracy...


Look on the bright side – they money they’ve saved will keep the Whalsay and Lerwick golf courses open. :D :P :lol:

This will save poor Whalsay fishermen and hard-up Lerwick merchants such as Josie Simpson and Caroline Miller from having to sit the pub all day and we will be able to see them out in the fresh air enjoying the game’s health attributes.

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let me predict that in 5 - 10 years barely anyone remembers this happened


I think they will remember the millions wasted on wars, i bet whats been wasted already talking about no fly in Libya could have saved the Scalloway school for years

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Now the position on Scalloway Secondary is finalised. We fought the fight as a dignified community, articulate, reasoned and passionate, where the council presented a weak, inaccurate and as I saw it, poorly presented case.

Money won, the community lost.

Good or bad the decision is finalised and approved by the Government.



4 questions:

Anybody prepared to guess how long it will be before the Burra and Tingwall schools are closing to fill the empty classes in Scalloway?


As part of the “savings†being made, how many positions in the advisory staff or any of the other education mandarins in Hayfield house will go? If any!


How long do you think it will be before our beloved councillors are again clambering for a new Anderson as the current one is overcrowded? They’ve been a bit quite on that one for a while.


Do I feel bitter? Yes!

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Previous generations had to go to the AHS if they wanted to go on to further education - and as one of that generation I certainly didn't feel disadvantaged as a result. Thinking that children will suffer from going to a bigger school does them a disservice - they will be perfectly all right, and they might just develop a bit more self-reliance and responsibility along the way.


Epsom like you I also attended the Anderson and got a great education, but remember we did it at the end of 3rd year, not thrown into the scrum at the end of Primary 7.

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Once again the democratic voice of the people is ignored, what more can we expect from the SIC? It has already been voiced that we could be soon looking at a "Super Primary" in Scalloway once the secondary pupils have been forced out. How would the 'Toonies' like to be treated like the rest of Shetland, would they appreciate their bairns being bused out to Scalloway? That would save the SIC millions in building new primary schools in Lerwick. Has the SIC considered just shipping all kids off the islands to be educated in ABerdeen? :evil:

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Once again the democratic voice of the people is ignored, what more can we expect from the SIC? It has already been voiced that we could be soon looking at a "Super Primary" in Scalloway once the secondary pupils have been forced out. How would the 'Toonies' like to be treated like the rest of Shetland, would they appreciate their bairns being bused out to Scalloway? That would save the SIC millions in building new primary schools in Lerwick. Has the SIC considered just shipping all kids off the islands to be educated in ABerdeen? :evil:

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But on the plus side, think of all those Scalloway pupils that can go to the Science block of the present Anderson (one of the only bits of the campus with any lasting structural integrity), study chemistry, graduate and clamour for jobs in the super-duper new Pharmacy opening on Main Street.

Not only the people of Scalloway, but Burra, Trondra and all the locales of feeder schools should be delighted at the level of service and attention provided by our local public service and elected representatives. Rejoice, rejoice!

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Previous generations had to go to the AHS if they wanted to go on to further education - and as one of that generation I certainly didn't feel disadvantaged as a result. Thinking that children will suffer from going to a bigger school does them a disservice - they will be perfectly all right, and they might just develop a bit more self-reliance and responsibility along the way.


Epsom like you I also attended the Anderson and got a great education, but remember we did it at the end of 3rd year, not thrown into the scrum at the end of Primary 7.


They only had the option of going in 3rd year from about 1970. And in my day (1965) your first taste of Lerwick school life was the first day of secondary 1. There was none of the introduction sessions that they do nowadays.

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Shetland Isles Councillors should be ashamed for voting for the closure of Scalloway High School..

A great school with none of the kids wanting to go to the Anderson High..

They will be lucky to get a hot meal at lunchtime!

The kids cried as they were told of the decision.

So sad..

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