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Save Scalloway School

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The bus company will b happy!


Don't think so..


130 pupils = 2 (minimum) extra buses and drivers.


They might have spare buses but, do they have the drivers?


Of course, the SIC could always purchase a couple of extra buses and import a few drivers to operate them but, where's the savings in that?

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It's very short-sighted of our local authority to close schools what with the price of fuel increasing.


Once the school is shut these pupils have to be transported to another school which may mean extra buses etc. The price of fuel will affect the cost of the school transport contract and this may become an unknown quantity as who knows where the cost of fuel will end up at?


It will be interesting to have a look at the financial figures next year and see if indeed any savings have been made by closing Scalloway secondary dept.


My guess is that they will have saved nothing.

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Previous generations had to go to the AHS if they wanted to go on to further education - and as one of that generation I certainly didn't feel disadvantaged as a result. Thinking that children will suffer from going to a bigger school does them a disservice - they will be perfectly all right, and they might just develop a bit more self-reliance and responsibility along the way.


Epsom like you I also attended the Anderson and got a great education, but remember we did it at the end of 3rd year, not thrown into the scrum at the end of Primary 7.


i was "thrown into the scrum at the end of Primary 7" And I live aperfectly normal life with a good job etc, I dont get your point...?

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The bus company will b happy!


Don't think so..


130 pupils = 2 (minimum) extra buses and drivers.


They might have spare buses but, do they have the drivers?


Of course, the SIC could always purchase a couple of extra buses and import a few drivers to operate them but, where's the savings in that?




And the doorhandles will likely be made of gold too....After they've spent £100,000 on consultations and requisitions.

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Yep, i also went from Gott primary (as it was known) to the Anderson in 1st year and i think one of the best things my parents did. i made friends i kept all the way through, good a good education, now have a very good job.


dont really see the problem with the education aspect, ive no doubt scalloway is a good school but so is the anderson. ok the building is not fit for purpose but thats affecting everyone.


i can think of nothing worse than spending 4 yrs at scalloway learning the school, teachers etc then because you want to learn more you should transfer schools at the most critical time in your life going on to highers! have to learn new school, teachers and inevitablly make new friends etc


but thats just my two pennith!!

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Colin wrote

They might have spare buses but, do they have the drivers?


Of course, the SIC could always purchase a couple of extra buses and import a few drivers to operate them but, where's the savings in that?

Well is this not just the right time to revive the idea of a tramway from Lerwick to Scalloway?. Nice high cost, high profile project for some of the older councillors to be remembered by. Or maybe a tunnel from the bottom of the Scord to Clickimin.


Slightly more seriously is there any hope of a new government calling in this decision if the political mix in Holyrood changes in May?. Not that the idea is all that daft but implementing it ahead of a new AHS (or a massive refurbishment of the old one) is questionable.

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Guest Anonymous

If they're going to eventually close Sandwick and Aith high schools. Why don't the Scallowegians lobby for the new High school to be built in Scalloway? It could be erected at a fraction of the cost of blasting out the staney hill, Would involve the transportation of as many pupils, Would be a colossal boom to the economy of Shetlands second community and allow the council to prove it didn't fully support centralisation.

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If they're going to eventually close Sandwick and Aith high schools. Why don't the Scallowegians lobby for the new High school to be built in Scalloway? It could be erected at a fraction of the cost of blasting out the staney hill, Would involve the transportation of as many pupils, Would be a colossal boom to the economy of Shetlands second community and allow the council to prove it didn't fully support centralisation.


In many ways it would be easier for them to extend the Scalloway school what with all the ground out to the west side of the existing site.

There's a pool and games hall a minute's walk from the school, even though it's only a 16m pool, it was originally meant to be a 25m pool but funding was syphoned off the Scalloway and Sandwick pool projects to pay for the lerwick pool.


All they want is a shining beacon in lerwick so that they may be remembered in their retirement.


Next point......what does the future hold now for the Scalloway pool?

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And now we see this http://www.shetnews.co.uk/component/content/article/36-latest-new/422-call-to-delay-scalloway-school-closure.html. Councillors including the Convenor and Vice Convenor backing a call to keep Scalloway Secondary open for the time being in view of problems with parts of the AHS. What a great idea but how come it took them all this time to realise what a bad idea closure at the moment was even though it might make sense when the new AHS is built.

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