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Police Chief.


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We recently saw the appointment of a new Chief of Police for Shetland, who, to the best of my knowledge*, is the first Chief of Police in the last 30 years or so, who grew up in Shetland, Lerwick in particular, and considered Shetland/Lerwick their "home" turf, at that time at least.


Do you think having someone with this "local" connection at the top in local policing, will change in any way the policing we, the public, encounter on a day to day basis? Might there be a better understanding of/sympathy towards local issues? Than possibly has been the case when the helm was in the hands of an individual who was merely passing through, as one step on the career ladder, and had no vested interest in the community they were servicing. Or, is the machine that is the Northern Constabulary simply too big and too far reaching in this day and age for any one individual to make a marked difference, and things will simply carry on as they always have?


(* Taken from memory only, if we indeed have had a Police Chief with "local" connections in the recent past, I stand corrected).

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I was disappointed to read about his determination to continue focussing on the same issues as his predecessor. Namely the same easy road traffic enforcement and ineffective drug busts, whilst still hardly any police presence in town at the weekends and an apparent reluctance to tackle rising violent crime and theft.


Having said that, if he has maintained any of his “contacts†from when he used to live here then maybe a bit of local knowledge will be a valuable asset. As I’ve said before, it takes little more than a visit to the pub with pricked ears to find out who’s been up to what. Maybe he should rent the complete series of Hamish McBeth from the toll clock to get some useful hints ‘n’ tips…


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I was shocked to read that there were so few Shetlanders in Northern Constabulary (about 4 in total?). A degree of local representation on the force would seem to be a necessary condition for effective policing. You would think it would be a reasonable career - secure job, not bad salary, decent pension, etc. Is the problem that recruits could be posted to anywhere in the Northern Constabulary area? If so, they should change it so if local people want to have a policing career staying in Shetland they can.

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I think that ineffective policing is a nationwide problem partly caused by politicians, social changes and police training.


While it may be good to have a local top cop I think that external influences will override any benefits of local knowladge.

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