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Bullfighting, and blood sports generally, tend to polarise opinion. The recent Catalonia ban being an interesting development for the pro/anti campaigns. I wonder what both sides of that debate make of this 21st century approach to the tradition:



With respect to the AR.Drone technology demonstrated there, it will be interesting to see how long till some kind of ban is introduced. Their guerrilla stunts must surely freak out governments somewhere. See for example:



Buckingham Palace: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxBeHrs5ZU4

Underground: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB3zeEr-Wi4


Certainly an interesting use for an iPhone.

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The golf one is priceless, as is their attendance at a board room meeting. :lol:


Quite a mixed topic here EM. The AR Drone antics are funny, the over-arching principle is frightening and may ultimately attract new laws and no-fly zones...



....and bull fighting is pretty much abhorrent and represents a serious conflict of traditional culture vs authoritative global awareness to regional activity.


Where to start? :wink:

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If you are quick visiting the iPlayer, "The Choice" on Radio 4 last Thursday (9 a.m. and 9.30 p.m.) was an interview with "Frank Evans, a Salford man who decided to become a bullfighter after a holiday in Spain". A very interesting listen, given his rather different take on it from the average Brit.

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Don't they have bullfighting in Portugal where they don't kill the bull?

They do: we went to see it while we were on holiday in the Azores. The bulls aren't harmed in any way, and get taken home afterwards. And they had cheap beer, too, so it was a grand outing indeed.

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Don't they have bullfighting in Portugal where they don't kill the bull?

They do: we went to see it while we were on holiday in the Azores. The bulls aren't harmed in any way, and get taken home afterwards.

It actually depends on which part of Portugal. In the north they do stab the bulls, and afterwards they are killed out of public view.

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  • 11 months later...

Sometimes the bull wins! The superstar bull Raton has managed to kill yet another human:

[mod] Warning - Video may not be suitable for viewing by minors or viewers of a sensitive nature. Please do not play it if this may apply to you. [/mod]




That brings his tally to three now. Here he is in action on a previous occasion, it is absolutely bonkers:


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