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John Wyndham

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Day of the Triffids was really good. The intro to 28 days later is a complete rip-off of it, but a good film nonetheless.


The television adaptation of DOTT was a bit ropey, although it had me crappin' myself as a kid. I was scared of daffodils for years afterwards, and till this day I have a powerful aversion to rhubarb...

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I thought the whole of 28 Days Later was based on Day of the Triffids but it was still an excellent film as are most of Danny Boyle's films. The DOTT film is pretty bad it was on BBC4 recently and I was very disappointed.


The Midwich Cuckoos is a good book, it was made into a film that I think was called The Village Of The Dammed has anyone seen it? What's it like?

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