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The Pope


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The fact of the matter is this man personally helped cover up deeds carried out by priests, he gave the order to 'brush it under the carpet' so to speak when the cases were brought before him.

In doing so he acknowledged the actions of his men and gave the go ahead for it to continue. Men like him were the reason many children were labelled with being mad and interned in institutions and families were ostracised from communities where the catholic church held so much power.


No not all priests are paedophiles but the fact is Pope Benedict is a direct accessory those who were.

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from hitler youth to head of the catholic church seems like a natural career path to me


From Hitler Youth to one of the largest facilities house in the film industry.




Arnold and Richter produced most of the ARRI Flex cameras that filmed the Nazi propaganda we see in the archives.


Don't forget the rocket scientists, doctors and so on that have benefited all of us.


A poor and inflammatory example.

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Don't forget the rocket scientists, doctors and so on that have benefited all of us.


A poor and inflammatory example.


Not especially you see you had to join the Hitler Youth whereas a lot of the doctors and scientist working for the Nazi regime were doing so with a luger at the back of their noggin.


I'm not really sure where you were going there SP are you suggesting because a former nazi has done some good that he should get a bye for all the wrongs he did?. Suppose he is in the best job for dishing out forgiveness.


I don't find it surprising either that a former member of the Nazi party becomes head of the catholic church seeing as both are not exactly fond of Judaism.

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The Pope comes as a head of state, therefore, the receiving state pays.


A rather nominal state though, and in danger of creating a dangerous precedent, 110 acres and population circa 800.


That's only one tiny step away from the UK paying for Hill's visits to Shetland from the 2.5 acre, circa 1 population (sometimes) state of Forvik. :wink:


Hmmm....Maybe a moot point, I guess they maybe already do. They sent the Lifeboat when he sank, and presumably pay him his old age pension. :?

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This vile character is a liar, he claims today that the child abuse revelations were "a shock" to him, and the church had not been vigilant enough.


When he was the was the Archbishop of Munich he allowed Father Peter Hullermann who was convicted of molesting boys to return to work and continue to molest many more young children, moving him from parish to parish as different allegations were made. He also was implicated in advising the heads of the catholic church in Ireland to keep all victims of the church 'quiet'.


He is a man that incites bigotry, facism and hate under the guise of thier loving and ever living god. I am sickened seeing all those young children lining the streets and filling that park today. Lambs to the slaughter.


There will be a fine Germanic reunion inside the castle tonight.

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You did not have a great deal of choice whether to join the NY or not, your parents would have pushed you towards it. The comparison was that you did not have to be in the NY to become pope, you could become anything.

The comment, in my mind was that the Pope was an active Nazi, which leads on to other references.


The last pope was Polish, a victim of Nazi activities, so, to turn the argument around, the Catholic Church seem to choose a wide scope of people to be Pope.


I agree that there are things that still need clearing up and addressing, so obvious is that.


Are you saying that all who were forced into the NY and the party should always, even after all this time still be treated as the enemy or someone who should not be trusted?


Although the NP did some horrific experiments, the data was still examined and used. As we, a civilised nation, allied to the US still experiment on prisoners, political, criminal or wrongly in jail.

Water boarding is one. The yanks found that it was best to use saline to prevent the torchered from expiring through salt deficiency.

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You did not have a great deal of choice whether to join the NY or not, your parents would have pushed you towards it.

From as early as 1936, membership of the HJ was in fact compulsory for "aryans."


I think the whole matter of the Pope's HJ related activities is irrelevant and a complete red herring which distracts attention from his adult track record. He's a piece of scum and the gullibility of people who idolise him is disturbing.

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Guest Anonymous
The last pope was Polish, a victim of Nazi activities, so, to turn the argument around, the Catholic Church seem to choose a wide scope of people to be Pope.


consider the fact that he came through the war unscathed might just hint at something, ie collaberation

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I think the whole matter of the Pope's HJ related activities is irrelevant and a complete red herring which distracts attention from his adult track record.


This is true, people shouldn't focus on him being in the Hitler Youth without noting that those families that didn't go along with that draft could have put themselves at risk, although some did resist. Nobody attacks Primo Levi for being in the Italian equivalent.


I heard somewhere that as a 17 year old Nazi anti-aircraft gunner the Pope claims he didn't have any amunition. Nobody has asked him if he would have shot his gun if he did have ammunition though.


People should focus on his child abuse involvement and his ideas about birth control which are far worse than being inveigled into the Hitler Youth. Does anyone know if he was made to join, a willing member of the Nazis, or just spineless like he was about kiddie fiddling catholic priest?

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