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BT Race To Infinity - vote for fibre optic broadband


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From http://www.racetoinfinity.bt.com/

Over the next five years BT is rolling out superfast fibre optic broadband across the UK. If you're not on the announced roll out plan The Race to Infinity gives you the opportunity to fast track your area to get BT Infinity next.


The five areas with the largest percentage of votes by December 31st 2010 will win the chance to bring superfast broadband to their area. BT will also donate £5,000 of computer equipment to a local community project.


Whether you're big on social networking, gaming, streaming, uploading or downloading, prepare to have your life transformed with superfast speeds.


To vote simply go to 'VOTE NOW' and enter your details. Don't forget to pass it on to your friends on Facebook and Twitter to get your area to the top of the scoreboard.


Here's the FAQs - http://btsupport.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/btsupport.cfg/php/enduser/cci/bt_blank_article.php?p_faqid=14614 - A bit of marketing spin and a customer survey dressed up, but it might just work....


Apparently Lerwick is the only Shetland exchange that has enough customers to be eligible, but BT are saying "If 75% of your exchange registers, BT will engage with your community to see what we can do in your area" whatever that may mean


Anyway, it's worth a quick vote - http://www.racetoinfinity.bt.com/

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Wella, I've just become votes 14 and 15 out of 523 for Sumburgh (yes, I have two seperate lines/numbers/addresses before anyone starts getting the noose ready....). 2.87% of the total.


I don't believe there's a cat's chance in hell, but there's less than that ignoring it.

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I've just voted for Scalloway. I tried this earlier on with my netbook when I was at the library and I found the website very unfriendly on that machine. First it blasted out music, fortunately on the puny netbook speakers I don't think I disturned anyone, then I couldn't see enough of the screen to figure out how to vote.

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It is vital that as many people as possible vote for their exchange. This may very well be considered a PR excercise but it very importsant that BT understand the scale of the need for improved services in Shetland


Anybody finding that they can't register due to their postcodes not being recognised or their broadband connection being too slow to access the site should e-mail me at marvin.smith@shetland.gov.uk

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Shetland Islands


Sorry, but your exchange is not eligible to WIN The Race to Infinity as it has less than 1000 premises.

...We still want you to get involved so please go to 'VOTE NOW' to express your interest.

If 75% of your exchange registers, BT will engage with your community to see what we can do in your area.



we aint gettin it....not in the near future at least.

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