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unwanted anderson brochures


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Following the negative comments which were received about the Anderson High School during the statutory consultation period for the proposal to close Scalloway Junior High School secondary department, the schools service in conversation with councillor Angus decided to send out the current Anderson High School newsletter to a number of consultees.


Many of the comments made in public were not supported by evidence and although we will address these comments in the Consultation Report, we considered it important to share the good practice that exists in the Anderson High School now. It must be difficult for young folk who hear such things in the media, and at public meetings, to consider going to the Anderson High School for 5th and 6th year, with the current perception there is from some comments.


There have been many valid comments in the media about the high quality education provided in Scalloway. It is also important that everyone is aware of the high quality education also provided in the Anderson High School.


That sounds entirely reasonable to me.


People seem to feel that when trying to win a campaign it is fair game to use all means possible. In this case many seem to believe that by attacking the quality of education provided by the AHS, the case for Scalloway is furthered. Not only is this tactic insulting to the staff of the AHS, it is probably counter-productive for the Scalloway campaign.


Personally I do not hold strong opinions either way on the Scalloway closure itself, but I find the anti-AHS smears to be highly lamentable.

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Those of us who have children attending SJHS have never put negative input on the teaching abilities of the AHS. This is a poltical spin by the councillors aiming for the closure of Scalloway. Our focus is that Scalloway is fine as it is "Why fix it?" The fact is that our children are being used to faciltate the building of a new high school seeing as the building has been listed as inadequate by pupils, parents and teachers of AHS. Our children attend AHS anyway in the latter secondaries so it would be hipocritical of us to knock the teaching standards of the AHS, but, we have more than adequate needs to accomodate the children until then. The sending out of this brocheure was a slap in the face to all the teachers, parents and pupils of Scalloway by the councillors as if to reitarate what has been said before , that it doesn't matter what effort is put in to the saving of our school the decision has already been made. They admitted that they thought these closure would have the least resistance by parents, they have been proven wrong....

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Those of us who have children attending SJHS have never put negative input on the teaching abilities of the AHS.

I find it difficult to reconcile the above statement with the following:


A huge number of people there last night said they will not be sending thier children to AHS. I think the point being made by parents was they wanted thier children to have the same level of small group tuition, community spirit and excellent facilities thatis already present in Scalloway. The other schools mentioned can provide the same level of care and learning as Scalloway is providing something which will be lost in Anderson.


Arguing that Scalloway is better is fair enough, perhaps it is. But to flatly state that the AHS just can not deliver? I simply can't believe that.

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Did this Newsletter, when delivered to Scalloway school parents, come with a covering letter, or not? Surely given the political climate and current status of Scalloway secondary there was a need to make 100% crystal clear to those receiving the publication, that the intent was to address as far as possible apparent misinformation and misconceptions held by some Scalloway parents/pupils about the AHS, which had come to light at the recent meetings.


It was a good idea to provide Scalloway folk with info on the AHS, especially given the alleged level of wrong information which had become apparent. But without a covering letter fully explaining that that was the intent, I can understand how someone with a vested interest in keeping Scalloway secondary open, having a book extolling the virtues of the AHS sent to them, could easily feel the closure of Scalloway was a done deal, and they were having their noses rubbed in it as the book was basically saying, "this is you, get used to it".

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The only thing the ahs/education department has done wrong here is not to tell the recipients that the newletter was being sent to them. From a PR point of view they did miss a pretty big tick here but putting context first it was a good idea to send it. They should go further and have open days for the Scalloway PTA to come and see the AHS for themselves. It is fundamentally important that Scalloway parents know exactly what type of school they are measuring against their own, very capable school.

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That is a good idea. Of course, as 5th and 6th year pupils from Scalloway currently attend the AHS, many Scalloway parents are already familiar with the AHS, and discussed their experiences at the public meetings. What about Scalloway school having an open day for councillors to see what kind of school they are proposing to close?

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I understand your thought process for a councillor visit. Operating schools is a Shetland wide subject whether we are proposing to consolidate schools, close schools, build schools singling out schools for special visits by our councillors can be seen as against our democratic process, whether you agree with closing Scalloway or not. Anyway I'm straying off topic here.

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Errr.... all SIC Councillors were invited to come for a visit to Scalloway a few weeks ago and....only 1 turned up, Allison Duncan. I understand a couple more subsequently came (2 local Ward councillors).


Their attitude speaks volumes and has not gone un-noticed. A few more came to the public meeting (5 I think) but this is also not a sign that they are properly engaged in such a momentous decision and one could assume they have already made their minds up.

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@ EM - I was comapring the communal benefits of a small school in comparison to a large busy school. Having attended both types myself I can say that the level of attention and possibilities for more informal tuition are of a much higher standard in a small school because the staff can give you their time. This is what we have in Scalloway but would lose in Lerwick.

They told us at the meeting that teaching staff would be cut which inevitably will lead to larger class sizes. I also wanted to make the point that I am in no way referring to the teaching abilities of individual teachers working in the AHS. They have a different setting to work so work in a different way as is the case with all schools.


All the councillors were issued an invitation to visit the school by the pupils. So far when I last heard only 3 had taken up the offer, 2 councillors who are in support of Scalloway staying open and one who came and more or less told the pupils it was a done deal and the school would be closing. So much for consultation process.

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I am a Scalloway mum with a child in S.1 at scalloway school. Yesterday morning, I recieved an anderson high school brochure in the post. Why was I sent this brochure? My child, along with many others i know will certainly not be attending the anderson at any point in the near future! I did not request it, and i certainly have no intention of reading past the front cover.

It is a terrible waste of money to be sending out these brochures to folk who dont want them. I thought the council was trying to save money......

well my brochure will be returned in the same envelope marked return to sender! I realise this will cost the council yet more money, but then at least the brochure will be recycled, and hopefully given to someone who actually wants to read it.



I have no opinion about sending Scalloway bairns to the Anderson - it does not affect me in the slightest. What I will do is play devils advocate. If you choose not to send your bairns to the Anderson, and they do close Scalloway what would you do? The trek to a secondary on the mainland can be much longer than what your children would be required to travel.


As for the brochures - I agree 100%. When I went to high school we got a 1 A4 page letter and that seemed to work fine. Add in the fact that we are now in the computer age... there really is no need.

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It is pretty counter productive for all people interested in overturning the proposal to close Scalloway secondary department to get too 'us and them' and have a Scalloway V Lerwick/AHS 'spat' (no matter who caused it). Don't forget that there are 22 councillors and 10 of them represent Lerwick wards. It only takes one or two more with a vested or direct interest to be agin Scalloway and you can forget any hope of winning the battle.


I know it is a helluva vexing to have to deal with this but win the arguement through positive energies rather than finding fault with AHS/SIC Education Dept/Councillors. They are all faced with very tough choices - don't make it easy for them!!!

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I have no opinion about sending Scalloway bairns to the Anderson - it does not affect me in the slightest. What I will do is play devils advocate. If you choose not to send your bairns to the Anderson, and they do close Scalloway what would you do? The trek to a secondary on the mainland can be much longer than what your children would be required to travel.



Stephen - My sons will not be attending the anderson high due to personal choice. They will either go to Sandwick, or they will be home schooled should the need arise.

I want to make it clear that I am in NO WAY "slating" the anderson high or its educational reputation.

The reason for my sons not attending the anderson are purely personal reasons. ( I want my sons to grow up slowly and safely :))

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They will either go to Sandwick, or they will be home schooled should the need arise...


...The reason for my sons not attending the anderson are purely personal reasons. ( I want my sons to grow up slowly and safely :))

If you are too protective then that might not work either. They should be out and about to learn what the real world is like, and most importantly to have a social life.

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