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Disband IMF, WTO and the World Bank?

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I would be very happy to see these oranisations removed from existance. They exist simply to further the control of global economics for the benefit of the already wealthy to the detriment of the poor. While I'm at it I would also disband the EEC. Does anybody else have a similar opinion or not?

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I don't think they should be replaced I think that countries should be able to enter into agreements with other countries with out having to bow to international rules of trade which often work against them. For example if europe doesn't want to buy GM food from American companies America shouldn't be able to try to force us through WTO rules. And if America wants to boycott us for refusing GM then they should.

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Thats some proposals! Those institutions control the global economy. You can't just remove them from existence. What do you plan on replacing them with? My head hurts thinking about it!




I would say that what they do is more akin to rigging the global economy in favour of the G8 and there would be many countries who would benefit if they ceased to exist.


The UK would certainly not be one of them. Is that what you'd be worried about pb? :wink:

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Is that what you'd be worried about pb? :wink:

In principal, I'm all for sorting out the global economy by limiting the powers or potentialy scrapping the institutions mentioned. But turrifield's first post reminded me of some Anarchist graphiti I saw on an Aberdeen pub wall....


"F*** the economy"


to which someone had replied


"and replace it with what?"

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As long as WTO/IMF works for the UK I would keep it.


So no concern at all for the millions of people in less fortunate countries who are kept in poverty by the policies of the WTO and IMF then Styles?


That's got to be the most cynical attitude I've come across in a long time.

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But does the WTO and the IMF work for us at the moment? Does it not just keep us in the unrealistic bubble that we have all grown up in, what will we do when the bubble bursts, which will happen probably sooner than we realise. So surely the current situation does nothing for our long term security.

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