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9/11 conspiracy theories

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These guys know I love them really.

I've even got a few mates who are masons and for the larger part; they're all sound geezers, with no plans of global control in their hearts I'm sure but somewhere up the line there are some pretty dodgy types a lurkin. Government secrets are one thing but secret societys being the holders and the fact that they're all madmen spells trouble, no matter what the tradition is.

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drilling & formation evaluation,


drilling and formation evaluation is exactly what it says on the tin evaluation of the drilled well and the formation not drilling itself.


it seems the workers on the ground have a bit more grasp of whats going on than the good folks that post conspiricy theories

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And just when I thought that all this crap had died out.


Well, from the picture you have posted you either subscribe to, or are alluring to the believe that a grand conspiracy of some sort somehow involved Jews.


I think you'll find KOYSTWATSI prefers to call them Jew c**ts

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OK enough of this


Read em an weep:


This one should clear up Jane Standleys confusion:



The beauty of thermate:

Sulfur residue was also found on the steel beams. Sulfur used with thermite is called thermate -- which produces even faster results than thermite, reaching temperatures of over 4,000F. We also see red-hot molten steel dripping from the windows of the towers prior to their collapse.



On the morning of September 11 2001, the US Defence Agencies had been running pre-planned simulations of terrorist attacks involving crashing planes into the WTC and Pentagon. The Bush administration described the event as "a bizarre coincidence". The matter was not mentioned by the media



witnesses include fire crew, police officers and media reporters - who all heard and saw explosions going off inside the towers, long before they actually fell. Many witnesses reported powerful explosions in the basements of the buildings long before they collapsed. Plus, controlled demolition experts agree that the collapses of the three buildings bear all of the hallmarks of a controlled demolition.



In 2,000, just before the republicans got back into the White House, a project set up by the neo-cons who now surround George W Bush, laid out its agenda for global domination in a document called the "Project for the New American Century". However, it stated that gaining public support for its aspirations would require a long process, UNLESS there was a catastrophic event like "a new Pearl Harbor". Its published aims have, alarmingly, come true.



The 9/11 Commission was a blatant whitewash, it failed to seriously examine virtually every fact supporting complicity of the US administration. It ignored the PNAC document, the links between the CIA and Bin Laden, the links between the Bush family and Bin Laden, the links beween the CIA and Mohammed Atta, the terror drill exercises that were taking place in the week of 9/11, the collapse of building 7, the molten steel found under the rubble of towers 1, 2 and 7, the evidence of the use of thermite and sulfur, the witness reports of repeated explosions throughout the towers, the lack of flying skills previously displayed by the alleged hijackers, Silverstein's $7 billion insurance payout, the insider trading before 9/11, the mysterious powerdowns and evacuations at the WTC prior to 9/11, and the fact that the Bin Laden family were allowed to leave the US just after 9/11 while every US citizen was grounded.



The twin white elephants:



There's a load more of them, I've just got up to 10 so far.

Jas; slaggin jinks aside, if you could just nip in and debunkify one of those, I'd truly be grateful.





Cause otherwise we're all in deep sh*t.

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Jas; slaggin jinks aside, if you could just nip in and debunkify one of those, I'd truly be grateful.


I shouldn't need to be the one who does this. I was once under the delusion that 9/11 was a conspiracy, until I actually became skeptical of everything, not just the Government's theory. Simply posting YouTube after YouTube video is neither Truth Searching or fact. Like I say - You've 'exposed' a conspiracy that would surely turn the world upside down, you could help change the world if you are as right as you think you are - take it to an expert! take it to the courts! Present your 'evidence' outwith a small message board and then maybe I'll take you seriously.


If you are truly searching for the truth behind 9/11, I know where you will end up. However, I predict a few more YouTubeEvidenceâ„¢ video's being shot this way.


My only problem is that you seem to think that everyone is in on this - Governments, etc, therefore, regardless of any debunking that one might offer, it can be easily countered by you as "The Government did it/that"


I would happily change my mind about 9/11 towards your style of thinking (again) if there was actually some bone-a-fide evidence that came out and not some speculative random wankery. So let me ask you - what would convince you 9/11 was not a conspiracy? Please note to other readers, if his post should include the phrase "Nothing can convince me", abandon all hope.


I want to help you find the truth, but I don't know if that's possible at the level of delusion you're currently at - and believe me, I was there too. Sometimes challenging firmly held beliefs can be hard, but you win a moral and intellectual battle if you do, and trust me on this, you'll see the funny side of someone standing down on a street in new york wearing a kitchen-foil helmet with a sign saying "9/11 was an inside job". I wish someone would have told me that its ok to be wrong about this kind of thing when I was a 9/11tard, but they didn't. I guess that its because it makes a joke of one's character, needless to say, I apologised for my wrong beliefs. I know that it can seem exiting to believe in a conspiracy, but that's the problem; life is too boring, so we invent nonsense and well, for some reason, the human imagination has a fascination for fabrications.


If you truly, truly, truly want to challenge your beliefs, I would highly recommend going to this website's forum and posting your material. It's a skeptical forum full of highly intelligent and highly qualified individuals on 9/11. If you won't challenge your beliefs, then I guess you're not a legit skeptic.

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Weren't the people in the towers in on it as well ?


See for yourself.

The witnesses you see in this video are just the tip of the iceberg. These witnesses include fire crew, police officers and media reporters - who all heard and saw explosions going off inside the towers and building 7, long before they actually fell. Many witnesses reported powerful explosions in the basements of the buildings long before they collapsed. Controlled demolition experts agree that the collapses of these three buildings bear all of the hallmarks of a controlled demolition. For example, we see demolition "squibs" shooting out of the windows of the buildings before they started to collapse. All three buildings collapsed at near freefall speed. Building 7, which wasn't hit by a plane and contained only small scattered fires, came down symmetrically in just 6-seconds. And 6-weeks after 9/11, liquified steel was found under the rubble of all three buildings and the temperature was still in excess of 1500F. Jet-fuel simply cannot burn hot enough to reach that sort of temperature, let alone stay that hot for 6-weeks. Only thermite explosives can do this. Many of the steel beams found in the rubble of the three buildings were cut diagonally - in exactly the same way as shaped-charges slice through steel diagonally to bring a building straight down. Sulfur residue was also found on the steel beams. Sulfur used with thermite is called thermate -- which produces even faster results than thermite, reaching temperatures of over 4,000F. We also see red-hot molten steel dripping from the windows of the towers prior to their collapse. How much more evidence do we need before we accept that those 3 buildings were brought down in a controlled demolition?



Du wusna bein sarcastic?

Nah, must be a wind up.


Far from it old friend.

I'm sure it seems real evidence requires thinking which knackers most but if you watched them all, I'm pretty sure the inner cogs that got you all them A-level grades should be clicking into place about now, enough to see through the smokescreen they have forced on us all.


Last up:

(How the west was won)


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Jas, did you even watch them?


Did you hear the voices of those who barely escaped with their lives.

How much of the truth does it take till you dare open your eyes.


I've seen them before. I've seen everything. I've seen Loose Change, Terrorstorm, North Citgo, Everyone's Gotta Learn Sometime. Remember I was a conspiritard for 3 years.


Let me ask you: why do you think I abandoned the conspiracy theory? Was I paid off? I've been accused of that in the past. Remember, I used to believe everything you did (well, besides the Jews)


And, as expected, you didn't even address anything I posted. Like I said, please nip over to James Randi's skeptic forum, or present your evidence to courts/experts - what have you got to lose?


I will literally not take part in this thread anymore until you do what I have suggested, otherwise, I'm pissing into the wind. I hope that everyone else adopts this method, because we're giving him a chance to shine; a change to prove his crazy youtube videos, its just upto him if he wants to take it. I really hope that you find the truth, and not just what you're looking for. Enjoy not being taken seriously by anyone until this. This is your cue to do a victory dance no doubt because you've 'terrifed' a debunker with you awesome evidence. I'd prefer a face-to-face discussion on this topic anyway, I find its a lot easier for people to understand each other face to face.

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This will be my final post on the matter too (as entertaining as I find these HARD-HITTING, SHOCKING, GROUND-BREAKING conspiracy theories :wink: ), as JAStewart has hit the nail squarely on the head.


For all the dozens/hundreds/thousands/millions of YouTube links (I have watched them by the way, and they're a long way from the "best" I've seen, if that's the right word..) and dense cut-and-pasted text from wacky websites Koy - you still seem totally incapable of articulating your own argument.


Maybe if you try that, and not just bombard the forum with "educational" links, you might suceed in conjuring up some form of debate.

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Your opinion is worthless spencey and none of you can explain either the thermite burned H-beams, sulphur residue or the testimony of those who were there.

If tin foil hats is the best you can come up with in your debunking, while you suck on the lies of Bush and co, dan hell tak dee boy.

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witnesses include fire crew, police officers and media reporters - who all heard and saw explosions going off inside the towers, long before they actually fell. {Explosions, or the sound and expelled dustclouds of the collapse of interior sections?} Many witnesses reported powerful explosions in the basements of the buildings long before they collapsed. {Heard them or saw them? Hearing "an explosion" apparently coming from a basement does not even begin to prove it was either an explosion or in the basement, partrcularly in a construction with stairwells, lift shafts etc. Also, see above comment.} Plus, controlled demolition experts agree that the collapses of the three buildings bear all of the hallmarks of a controlled demolition. {And of course that proves beyond any doubt it was a demolition job, no other cause could possibly have resulted in what appeared to be the same outcome, controlled demolition is only implosion after all. :roll: C'mon, you're gonna have to do better than this low grade garbage.}
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