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Big Brother

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Well, somebody had to start the thread. I only watch it because somebody else in the flat does, honest!


There seems to be some crackers of housemates this season. The ones I saw going into the house were an outragously camp man (seems that BB needs a big dose of campery each year), a sexist scouse bloke who hates outrageously camp men and a woman who hates everybody. It might be worth watching this year....

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I only watch it because somebody else in the flat does, honest!


I'm a proud Big Brother watcher. Utterly compulsive. It's only about as ridiculous as watching 22 half naked men kicking around a pigs bladder, or following the soap opera that is British politics. And as a newspaper article pointed out, the 'freaks' in the BB house are probably far more representative of the UK population than the men in suits who inhabit Westminster.


I think I'm going to hate Shabhaz - the self confessed 'wacky Pakistani poof'. He's already annoying. I like the black wife who thinks that all people are evil and that love is a pointless waste of time.

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I would prefer it if it was more like the version recently explored in Dr Who, where all of the "contestants" are vaporised on eviction, but maybe that's just me.


I dunno, I just find it kinda depressing. Each year I watch and it just fills me with a kind of dull rage. The contestants are little more than a badly selected collection of emotionally damaged , vacuous simpletons - most of whom would be intellectually outwitted by a yogurt.


The celebrity version offers slightly more palatable viewing, but the regular show is absolute silage.


Yes, I’ll be watching it. But only because I’m a sick, sick man. :D


In all seriousness though, I dunno why the makers don't just come out and be honest about what they’re trying to do.


Forget all these ridiculous challenges and boring little games. Simply supply some pretty/wierd/gay/thick young things with endless bottles of booze for several weeks during the summer, keep them locked in a house and then watch it kick off.


With a bit of luck there’ll be a fight or some clumsy sexual act and the masses (myself included) will get a laugh. Job done!

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Forget all these ridiculous challenges and boring little games. Simply supply some pretty/wierd/gay/thick young things with endless bottles of booze for several weeks during the summer, keep them locked in a house and then watch it kick off.


Totally agree with you on that Ally. The 'tasks' are always crap 'It's a Knockout-style' snorefests. All I want to see is booze induced bitching and sexual shenanigans.

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much that i hate to say it i wil be watching it too.. i hate football so its going to be a long summer.. i cana be botherd with the obstreem caritors they seem to dig out the woodwork for us to watch them all fight and bicker, not good tv in my eyes, however i love when they give you something to laugh along with them rather than at them.


id say would the person hiding a brain please stand up

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I will not be watching it. Or the celebrity version. To me it seems sickening that people are put through a degrading experience in the name of "entertainment". Again to me it is sickening that people will watch the thing.


I guess this is a convenient moment to say that I do not watch any of the so called "soaps" either. Is society so bad that people escape from real life to watch fictional lives.....every week....almost every night in some cases.


The incident that convinced me that first convinced me that soaps were more than innocent fun was when we had a bit of snow delaying people getting home after work. Well we had an apprentice....I guess he was about 18yo at the time....and he was getting into a state of panic because he would miss whatever thing he "had" to watch. Scary....youth addicted to soap!

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What a bunch of mixed up people this time.


I think Shabaz is cracking up already, too many self-centred folk in wan place at wan time.


I think they should do worse thins tae them then they do we aa yun silly games, i mean lets face it, they all volunteered, nobody is forcing them to go in.

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I guess this is a convenient moment to say that I do not watch any of the so called "soaps" either.


Watched a two-hour special of Dove last night. Stimulating.


I cringe when I see Big Brother on the television yet I still stand there and watch it for a good few minutes before averting my eyes. Love it or hate it, it has been designed to get people engrossed in the lives of total idiots.

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I have seen one and a half episodes. All I can say is...Imagine spending the next 13 weeks of your life in a room with Shabhaz hollering and screaming campness in your lug. If it wis me the first ever BB murder would take place!!


Did you hear (radio 2 I think) interview with head of tourettes foundation, angry with BB because Pete would be made a laughing stock in the schools of our oh so proud nation. I have to disagree - people will see how it affects somebodys life, as well as a giggle I'm sure when he calls the odd affected person a 'w%nk'. It will hopefully have the opposite affect and make people more understanding of a serious disorder.

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I will not be watching it. Or the celebrity version. To me it seems sickening that people are put through a degrading experience in the name of "entertainment". Again to me it is sickening that people will watch the thing.



Come on, you surely don't take it seriously do you ?


They are just a harmless bunch of extroverts, who have nothing better to do in the summer, and are having a laugh whilst possibly winning a bit of cash as well.


Anyone for a Kit-Kat ?

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Utterly compulsive.


I have to disagree there Jonners.


I tried to watch it last year, having never really done so and thinking I better find out what all the fuss was about, and I don't think I made it through more than about ten minutes of any program.


Utterly dull.

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Well, somebody had to start the thread.


To which all I can say is....Why?....Why?....Why?


I had been happily living in denial that such a thing exists....until now. :? A better cure for insomnia has never been created than that show. http://i2.ebayimg.com/04/i/07/41/14/f9_0.JPG http://i2.ebayimg.com/04/i/07/41/14/f9_0.JPG Or perhaps this one is more appropriate.... http://i2.ebayimg.com/03/i/07/41/15/00_0.JPG

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