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"Oh Dear shame on you"


OK, I'll bite.  Just which part of my opinion post brought "shame" on me?





Give us back our guns..

Well it seems to work for the Americans.

Stops innocent people getting killed!


Not quite sure that it does but, the fact that the population (generally) is armed means that they, at least, have some chance of reducing the numbers being slaughtered and, if the "targets" have the ability to fight back, the "attackers" are less likely to choose large gatherings of people.


One of the problems is that the current wave of attacks are being carried out by people who do not seem to mind(?) dying for their "cause".

I, on the other hand, have very strong objections to dying for someone else's "cause".

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It's just quite incredible that despite bodies being blown to smithereens somehow, quite miraculously, passports remained intact ... world trade centre and now Paris.

Surely it would only take part of a page remaining "intact" to identify the carrier.?  Serial numbers etc..

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In the land of the 'Free' ( a country noted for it's belief that its citizens have the right to bear arms for self defence) there were 33,563 deaths recorded that were caused by firearms in 2012. That's 10.69 per 100,000.


In France there were 1856 deaths in 2012, that's 2.83 per 100,000.


In the UK there were 146 deaths in 2011 - 0.23 per 100,000.


Now, lets rank those three countries in order of weapons in civilian hands and try to work out if arming Joe Bloke leads to greater 'self defence' benefits or just a lot more dead people.......


ISIS would have to blow up a hell of a lot more people than they have so far to justify handing out guns to people who struggle to cope with everyday matters such as crossing the road or behaving rationally every time some poor Asian sod walks past them with a rucksack, never mind becoming responsible gun owners. FFS.

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Arming people doesn't prevent mass shootings.


Maybe not but, I guess it would prevent a "rampage" like the one we just had in Paris or, at least lower the casualty count..


All I'm asking for is the opportunity and ability to defend myself.

Whilst I can understand your sentiments Colin, I think it would be wrong to allow everyone the right of arms. There would be far more chance of being shot bepy some drunken idiot then these extremists.


Do we really want idiots with guns going into our schools like in America, or guns being easily accessed by these extremists ?


Whilst like yourself, I would like to defend myself if caught in that situation, I don't think making guns easily accessible would make things any better.

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Only way I would feel any way safer by "arming Joe Bloggs" would be if some competency was built in. Norway still has a compulsory national service, and everyone (so I'm led to believe) is issued with a gun to keep. But more importantly, they are trained in the correct use of it.

The USA model of simply allowing anyone to have guns and no training in their use is a recipe for disaster (albeit a fairly Darwinian recipe - lol)

I've always hated the idea of enforced military training on our youths - I know I would have resisted it  - but as the threat moves from nukes to guerrillas perhaps it is worth revisiting the NS option.  

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The last thing we need in this country is everyone to be armed,I dread to think where that would lead.


No we require all round vigilance, and this cannot all be provided by our military and police as this country no longer has the ability to fund it,so we need to have a group of volunteers who can be tasked to undertake surveillance as when requested by the appropriated authorities.


Reinstateing the Royal Oberserver Corp to do this, in my opinion would be the way to go.

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Is shetlandpeat back under a new guise?


Is this a school playground? I'm really not sure who you're directing the Shetlink Godwin's law at to be honest.


The fact that a passport may have "remained intact" can easily be explained by the fact it simply could have. There's really not grounds to base anything off of it and why would you? The actions of one person does not define an entire nation now does it. So tinfoil references are entirely valid.

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